Food and technology

Food and technology

Digital Fabrication Helps The Bees With An Opensource Beehive

 Did you know that one in every third food bite you consume depends on successful pollination of plants, specifically attributed to pollinators like bees? According to scientists, if we are to overlook this continued decimation of the bee population, then that time is not far away when we may find ourselves at a huge irreparable

Digital Fabrication Helps The Bees With An Opensource Beehive Read Post »

Food and technology

What Made in Italy and Silicon Valley Have in Common

Google Cultural Institute, in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies and Unioncamere, founded Made in Italy, a section of the international cultural site devoted to give users information about the authentic Italian products. It goes without saying that we looked for Emilia Romagna features and are proud to see Aceto

What Made in Italy and Silicon Valley Have in Common Read Post »

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