Parmesan production video – how Parmigiano Reggiano is made

Normally its cows that are branded, but this is Parmigiano-Reggiano from Italy often referred to as parmesan cheese. Parmesan does start with cows but it’s only their milk we want. This dairy in Mantova, Italy uses half a ton of milk for each block of cheese. It’s made in these huge copper vats. Each one holds 990 liters enough to make two giant Parmesan wheels.

Those cows have a lot of grass to eat to keep up with production. Parmesan is a hard cheese so the milk needs to be solidified. The ideal temperature for this is 33 degrees. To get the milk to solidify, the cheese maker will use rennets. This enzyme comes from calves stomachs, and it’s poured in and left for a moment to work its magic.

Because of strict European laws constraining trademarks. Parmigiano-Reggiano can only be made in certain Italian regions. This means each producer must make as much as they can because global demand is huge. As the rennet takes effect, the head cheese maker will notice subtle changes in the milk’s consistency.

The workers keep a very close eye out so they know when to start the next step. When the time is right, they get to work. Using custom made cutters, they slice through the yogurt-like substance, breaking it into lumps. This helps separate the cheese curds from the whey. After three minutes of this, the temperature is raised and the two parts separate.

The solid curds fall to the bottom leaving the liquid whey at the surface. This custom made knife casts over 4,000 pounds and it’s designed to cut the big lump of cheese at the bottom of the tank in half. In the Parmesan business, high tech goes hand in hand with old school. The cheese master now uses his big wooden paddle to lift the two halves so his colleagues can wrap them in cloth.

If they left the cheese in the bottom of the tank, someone would have to climb inside to get them out. This way is far easier. The workers can now suck out all the old whey, making the tanks ready for the next load of milk. Once the cheese is removed, it’s wrapped up and a weight is put on top. This squeezes out excess fluid.

As a hard cheese, Parmesan needs as little fluid as possible. It’ll remain like this for eight hours in a Teflon-mold. As the cheese spreads out, this imprints the dairy’s name into the sides. After about 24 hours, the Teflon form is substituted for a metal one. Here it will sit down and take on the characteristic wheel shape with a flat top and bottom and curved sides.

After three days in their molds, these cheeses could really do with a bath, a salt bath. This process actually improves that cheesy smell. The cheese is left in this salty brine for a month before it’s taken out to be dried. This helps improve the cheese’s final flavor. Once it’s time to get out of that shag bathwater they make their way to the ripening room.

The contents of this room are estimated have a total value of 17 million pounds and our freshly baked Parmesan wheels are about to join them. The wheels will spend up to two years in here maturing slowly. But to avoid growing mold they have to be turned at least once every two weeks. Turning this many cheeses would be very dull and very hard so a robot is used instead.

Although after doing this job for such a long time it looks like the robots could also do with some turning. As it matures the staff keep a close eye on the cheeses. Using his official hammer the head cheesemaker will tap on a random sample. His expert ear knows the sound of a good Parmesan from a bad one.

He’ll use a little corkscrew to test a sample, and ensure the cheese is maturing nicely. When he satisfied it up to scratch, he’ll fire up his trusty brand and mark the cheese. From it’s humble beginnings via some rather dark and briny bathwater, the world’s favorite pasta topping is born.

The Text has been extracted from this video, the cheese represented is actually Grana Padano and not Parmigiano Reggiano.



A video in high quality shot during our gourmet tours in June 2012, with cool music and special effect enjoy.


Parmesan cheese BANK – BBC news

Transcribed by Marcelo Pinto  June 1st, 2012

It’s a bank, but not as we know it. With all the security of any vault, except in here, it’s not money they’re guarding but cheese.

Three hundred thousand blocks of Parmesan cheese worth 120 million pounds to be exact. All part of a unique cheese for money loan program run by a bank. We help fiance the Parmesan cheese makers because their cheese takes two years before it’s ready for sale, that gives them a cash flow problem. So we take take their cheese in return for a cheap loan.

The Credem Bank takes the cheese from local producers on deposit and stores it here. It’s cleaned, turned, and tapped in a constant process of checking. Once the cheese is here in this vault both the parmesan cheese maker and the bank want to make sure it’s kept in top quality condition. Which is why this man is tapping it, he’s an expert in keeping that parmesan fresh.

A small wonder because this one block weighs 40 kilograms and is worth more than five hundred and fifty pounds. Giovanni Gualdi is 71 and has been a parmesan cheese maker all his life. But it’s a slow labor intensive process. But whilst the cheese ripens, the bills and wages still have to to be paid.

More than a hundred cheese makers have been forced out of business in the past five years. That’s why those like Giovanni rely on a cash-for-cheese agreement to be paid.

It ‘s been a difficult 5 years. The market has been very bad. Businesses here have spent money so they rely on the loans. Otherwise they would shut.

If the producer defaults on his loan, Credem Bank can simply sell the parmesan. It’s thinking about extending the idea to olive oil and parma ham. For now though it’s cheese and a bank that’s taking a mature attitude to lending. Duncan Kennedy, BBC News, Emilia-Romagna, Northern Italy.



Food Shopping In Parma – A Walking tour in Italy’s Food Valley

If you want to explore the delicacies of Parma you can do this by following our walking guided tours of the town, either on your own or you can hire one of our English speaking guide to take you around and help you with your gourmet shopping. These days there are many deli shops in downtown Parma, and many local producers have opened their own spaces there, so you do not need to travel to the countryside if you want to do some food shopping before heading home.

Salumerias and high quality Delis are very common in Parma – source


Parma cured meats and cheeses are sold here. As the name says “The House of Cheeses” you already know what to expect.
The shop has a wide selection of the local produces including , Parma ham , Culatello (a type of ham), Salame di Felino (a local mountain salami, very tasty indeed), and rare cold cut like Spalla di San Secondo which is a true pork delicacy.  The shop  also sell many varieties of Parmesan cheese as well cheeses from Italy. In the Pasta department you will find ready to cook tortellini, tortelloni and tagliatelle.


It is a family run bakery which opens only in the morning, you will find many hand crafted speciality bread here. They use white  and wholemeal flours as well as spelt flour, which is supposed to be very good for your digestive system.

Salumeria e gastronomia dall’Olio Mauro

Typical delicatessen in Parma with a wide selection of local cured meats, cheeses, food, and other household items. As you might be expect you will find all best Parma’s Salumi (Italian for cured meats), here you will able to buy Parma ham as well as Parmigiano Reggiano of different ageing. Here you can also buy ready made meals such as lasagne, Tagliatelle, a large selection of cakes and desserts. They also stock more generic items such as ground coffee, milk, dried pasta. water, wine and softdrinks.

L’Angolo Del Parmigiano

The name says it all. Gourmet shoppers will be able to purchase the products that put Parma on the map: ham, salami, cheese and wine. The staff is very approachable and they will be able to advise regarding the various and excellent products that they stock.

Pasticceria D’Azelio.

Your trip to Italy and Parma will not be complete without a trip to the local pasticceria. The store is just minutes from one of the main park in Parma: Parco Ducale.
It is a typical upscale cake shop and here you will be find satisfaction for both sweet and savory gourmet treats. You can savour your snacks outside in the patio and accompany the food with wines and champagnes from the well stocked wine cellar.

Enoteca drogheria Viani

An Italian typical wine and spices shop. Here you will find a wide selection of local and not so local wines including organic beers. The shop also stocks household and general cooking items such as sugar, flour, soaps, detergents, pasta, canned sauces and so on.

Buy some salami and Parma ham before heading home – source

Parmesan dot com Launches in the U.S.

Consorzio Del Formaggio Parmigiano-Reggiano Launches Parmesan.Com

by Marcelo Pinto Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

The Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano-Reggiano today launched its new US website, in New York. This website is now the most comprehensive online resource for recipes and information on Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.

Parmigiano Reggiano cheese is a protected product and is one of the DOP cheese recognised in Italy. The website was created in partnership between Good Food Creative, Inc, 2nd Nature and Digital Brand Expressions, and New Jersey. It  is designed to help Americans and the world in general understand and appreciate the history and uses of parmesan cheese better. Rather than just provide recipes, it is going to encourage users to interact and share so that they can learn more.

Parmesan cheese comes from Parma in northern Italy, and it is the original cheese that  many American associate with cheeses from Italy that are hard, and have a strong savoury flavour. Parmesan cheese is considered a delicacy, in fact, it is the privilege of the true gourmand . Parmigiano Regiano is a brand that represents status and prestige in the world of cheeses as well, and eating it is a delightful experience.

A typical Parmesan cheese is made through a unique process of heating half fat milk, adding whey and rennet. The curds are then broken  to obtain the grainy textures. Each vat has 1000 kilos of milk in it,  and they will produce 2 wheels each. The cheese is aged for minimum 12 months before being labelled Parmigiano Reggiano by an expert from the consortium. For  few centuries ago and till now, the waste  whey from the process was fed to pigs which were then slaughtered for making Parma ham.

Visitors to the launch were treated to a taste of Parmigiano Reggiano as part of a 3 course meal that was prepared by Chef Michael White of Wisconsin who discovered and fell in love with Parmesan cheese in the course of his cooking career. will provide cooking inspiration through plenty of recipes, ranging from simple salads to main dishes. Chefs and other community members are free to share the recipes with visitors, as well as rate recipes from around the world. The site also allows both visitors and members to contribute newly discovered meal ideas, build a recipe box of favorite recipes, test their knowledge of Parmesan cheese and learn how Parmigiano Regianno cheese is made. To get started, register at you can do so and log in using your Facebook account.

Parmigiano reggiano wheels

Earthquake in Emilia Romagna shakes 30,000 wheels of Parmesan

Tremors and damages in the area around Ferrara.

by Marcelo Pinto Sunday, May 20th, 2012

In the early hours of the Morning of 20th May 2012 an earthquake of magnitude 5.9 struck the area around Ferrara. Many people felt the bang in the middle of the night and they were awaken by the shaking. There have been instanced of severely damaged building in the area and 4 people seems to have died due to the shaking.  Ferrara is a town in the region of Emilia Romagna about 70 km from Modena and 50 km from Bologna. Despite the epicenter being between Modena and Bologna and the damage here in Modena and Bologna was minimal only a major scare for everyone. The train line was suspended for several hours however the authorities managed to restarted the service.

The strangest thing that happened here it is that about 30 thousand wheels of parmesan cheese were knocked down from their ageing shelves causing considerable damage to the producers.


It was very scary a resident reports, but there are no damages to the buildings.


In Modena city centre there have been no damages however in the town of Finale Emilia a bell tower was damaged, 35 hospital patients have been evacuated.

Reggio Emilia.

People in Reggio Emilia felt the vigorous shaking but no damages to the infrastructure were reported.


Just the shaking were felt without any damage.

Emilia Delizia notice to our clients.

Emilia Delizia would like to reassure that despite the scary moments Bologna, Modena and Parma areas are perfectly safe. Our gourmet tours will be running as normal and planned for the coming days. Therefore do not cancel your foodie holidays as all services have restarted as normal in just hours after the quake.


News about the earthquake from the BBC – Video transcript.

When a magnitude six earthquake struck northern Italy, 10% of the world’s supply of Parmigiano came crashing the ground. Cheese makers are not just facing ruined Parmesan, but potentially financial ruin. One of these rounds sells for $800. When the shelves holding the Parmesan fell, the oldest rounds fell last.

It’s these cheeses, the ones that have been maturing for up to two years that the owners are now desperately trying to sell.

“We’re trying to push the cheese into the market immediately so the Parmigiano is eaten and we avoid dumping it.”

In the city of Modena, the farmers are selling the Parmesan at a 40% discount.

They don’t appear to be having any trouble attracting buyers.

“I chose to come here in solidarity with my people and also because the price is lower.”

If you want to get a sense of what’s financially at stake for these farmers you need to look no further than the local bank. In the vault, thousands of rounds of Parmesan are held as collateral for the loans given to cheese makers.

Recently, farmers here have been struggling to survive with a hundred going out of business in the last five years. Of course, it’s not just about the money, but tradition. They’ve been making Parmesan and in the Emilia-Romagna region for 9 centuries. Zoe Conway, BBC News.



Culatello ham tour from Parma

Culatello the king of cured meats – how to visit the producers in Italy.



Culatello is an Italian cold cut obtained form the best part of the pig: the back legs. The main differences between Parma ham and culatello are the followings: area of production, and the technique of curing the meats..

Culatello and its area of production – Parma province.

This ham is produced north of Parma on the flat lands of Pianura Padana. The huge flat lands that stretch from the Alps to the Apennini mountains in Italy, The PDO area of production is tiny making this product unique, highly sought after and luxurious, notably the towns of production are Busseto, Polesine Parmense, Zibello, Soragna, Roccabianca, San Secondo, Sissa and Colorno. Here the climate is much more humid and foggy than anywhere else in the area. Because of this characteristics it would be impossible to cure the ham on the bone as we would do for the Parma ham. Therefore with culatello the bone is removed to obtain 2 cuts, the main one culatello (literally the little ass) and the fiocchetto which is the inner muscle of the leg. The ingredients are just freshly slaughtered meat, salt and pepper.

How culatello is cured – the brick cellars.

Culatello requires humid brick cellars that are in the basement of buildings. The ham is then placed in a natural casing (pig bladder), tied and rubbed with salt and pepper only, also the meat need to reach the producer quickly from the moment of the slaughter  to keep the bacterial load low, which helps to cure the meat without the use of artificial preservatives. Culatello will spend at least 12 months in these traditional cellars before being inspected by  the experts of the consortium of Culatello di Zibello. The product is examined  with a wooden mallet checking for potential defects.

Parma ham VS Culatello of Zibello.

Is one better than the other? Well there will be a lot of debate if we say so. In short they are 2 different produces. Parma ham has a very sweet taste and it is cured with very little salt however it is produced on a larger scale with a larger output while still maintaining the consortium high quality. Culatello remains a niche gourmet product still made by a handful producers with methods that track back to their grand fathers or sometimes their grand grand fathers. Culatello is also more difficult to obtain and it is more labour intensive than Parma ham. Finally culatello has a more elegant, fragrant, structured and prolonged flavour than Parma ham. It is drier in texture and more savoury and the taste keeps flowing as you chew it.

The final product – how to prepare it.

When finally becomes the so acclaimed gourmet products (it can cost up to 70 euros a kg), the meats are bright red with nice marbling of fat, which enhance the delicate savoury taste. In order to eat the ham, you will need to prepare it. You will need to remove the strings used to tie it, and soak it in wine for a few hours. This will help to remove easily the bladder . Once this is done you will have to slice it very thinly. A slicing machine gives the best results.

How to eat Culatello di Zibello.

Culatello it is a great appetiser, and it would go with a glass of Fortana del Taro wine, or Malvasia and why not with a nice glass or Lambrusco. As part of your appetiser dish you can also add some shaving of Parmesan and few drops of balsamic vinegar of Modena or Reggio Emilia.

 How to visit a culatello producers in Parma.

Emilia Delizia can organise a culatello English guided tour, from Parma as part of our gourmet tours in Italy. We can pick you up from your hotel or meet you at a designated location. Our tours will always include a detailed visit and a generous final tasting. Don’t forget that this experience can be mixed with the Parmesan production, wine tours and balsamic vinegar production and cookery experiences.

 Culatello making classes – Culinary experiences in Parma

For those interested in a hands on approach, we organise culatello ham curing techniques. Our highly trained master curer will show you how the make the precious ham. The typical class will last one morning and the participants will learn how to prepare, cure, and tie the meat according the ancient Italian tradition. Your product will be aged in the cellars and it can be sent to you when it is ready.

Cualtello tasting visits with cycling along the Po’ River.

The Po’ river has a lot to offer, in terms of gastronomic adventures that can be combined with cycling tours departing from Parma with destination Cremona, of course with the use of river boats. The Po’ also has a network of cycling paths touching many producers of culatello.

The Parmesan cheese tour – Parma: Parmigiano Reggiano Factory departing from Bologna, Modena, Reggio Emilia.

Embark on an authentic gastronomic adventure with our comprehensive guide to the heart of Parmesan cheese production – Emilia Romagna.
From the rolling pastures of Modena, Parma, and Reggio Emilia to the bustling dairies in the provinces of Bologna and Mantua, discover the art of Parmigiano Reggiano, the ‘King of Cheeses.’ Produced just once a day in these historic regions of northern Italy, Parmesan is not just cheese; it’s a symbol of Italian heritage and a global ambassador of Italian cuisine. Journey with us through family-owned businesses and organic cooperatives, where tradition meets passion, and the raw milk of local cows transforms into golden wheels of Parmesan.
Witness the cheese-making process firsthand, from the curdling of the milk to the meticulous aging in cellars, a practice rooted deep in time. Experience the robust, complex flavors of a cheese that’s been expertly aged for a minimum of 12 months, earning its DOP certification and the honor of being called Parmigiano Reggiano.
Whether you prefer a guided tour complete with English-speaking guides and convenient hotel pickups or wish to embark on a self-guided exploration of Parmesan dairies, we’ve got you covered. As you journey through the picturesque landscapes of Emilia Romagna, savor the exquisite pleasure of Parmesan cheese savored in its homeland. Let’s start your Italian cheese journey today.

How to see the Parmesan Production at a Dairy in Italy, Find Your Cheese Tour Now.

Parmesan cheese production tours in Modena and Bologna
Cheese master meticulously crafting authentic Parmesan cheese

Parmesan cheese is produced only once a day and you will find it only in a small area in northern Italy. In fact it is mainly produced in Modena, Parma and Reggio Emilila however there are some producers in the Bologna and Mantua provinces. To see the production it is recommended to arrive at the dairy between 8.15 am and 9.30 in case there is a possibility to see larger producers where the cheese making process ends later. The visit lasts about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Guests will be able to see with their eyes the whole process, from raw milk, the making of the curds, the brine process and the ageing cellars. There are about 300 dairies in the DOP production areas and Emilia Delizia has selected some of the best places to see the cheese making. We visit family owned businesses or organic cooperatives where the Parmean or Parmigiano Reggiano as we call it in Italy. The milks come from cows owned by the producers in the area, and this milk must reach the dairy within 2 hours as it is specified by the consortium. Parmesan cheese is then aged for a minimum of 12 months before receiving an inspection and only then if it is approved it become a DOP product and it can be sold as Parmigiano Reggiano. Emilia Delizia can organise a tour of the facility that produce the cheese, normally we can pick up the client from their hotel from Bologna at 7.15 am, or from Modena and Parma at 8.15 am. We can organise a car with driver to pick you up and an English speaking guide, however if you have your own car we can set you an itinerary that you can follow and save money on the chauffeur fees.

Parmesan Dairies To Visit On Your Own Around Modena

One of the pleasures of travelling through Italy most definitely lays in its food, especially when enjoyed in unique and picturesque settings. Emilia Romagna has a lot to offer in the way of traditional cuisine, most local dishes have made it worldwide and their success now graces the dining tables of all food enthusiasts around the world.

When enjoying local cuisine with simple or complex dishes – be it at a restaurant, a trattoria or in other such places that celebrate foodies’ needs with great food from the tradition of Emilia Romagna cooking – keep in mind that some of the ingredients you’re tasting are locally sourced and belong to the very history and culture of the Italian region. This is the case for the fames Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, for several kinds of ham and cold cuts made in the area, and is also true for Parmesan cheese.

While it is also employed in several dishes throughout Italy and abroad, and is enjoyed as a topping for pasta and other foods everywhere in the world, Parmesan is notably known in Emilia Romagna as a traditional cheese that can be tasted on its own. As it’s true for many different kinds of dairy products that can be found on a cheese platter, Parmesan can (and should – at least once in one’s life) be eaten as a standalone experience, but not many tourists think about doing this during their trip to Italy.
Foodies are more likely to know about this, but everyone should experience Parmesan in its pure form, and going to visit a dairy where the cheese is produced is the perfect way to sample the goods and marvel at the production process and cutting method employed for this Emilia Romagna treasure.

Here are some dairies in the province of Modena that you can visit for tastings, guided tours of the facility, and to shop Parmesan, local products and souvenirs.

Società Agricola Montorsi, Book your Parmigiano Reggiano Tour with them.

This dairy is located just outside Modena and as such can be easily reached if you’re already visiting the city proper. Founded in 1949, this dairy has perfected the production of Parmigiano cheese and the raw materials are all locally sourced, to achieve Parmesan aged for up to 36 months where the milk employed hasn’t suffered any losses in quality through the supply chain.
The dairy, opened every day from 8:30 to 12:30 and from 15:30 to 19:30 (open only from 8:30 to 9:30 on Sundays for a brief stop to shop for Parmesan and more), offers a variety of guided tours and tastings for locals and tourists (also in English and with audio guides available).
Tourists will be able to choose from breakfast tours, a daily tour (with a visit of the Parmesan dairy factory, a vinegar place and lunch at a local restaurant) or other events such as a workshop weekend where visitors will take part to the production of the cheese and learn more about local culture. Please see antica latteria ducale for info.

Additionally, visitors can explore the nearby Hombre Farm and Panini Collection. Hombre is an organic farm that produces high-quality Parmesan cheese. The Panini Collection, established by the Panini family, who are also known for their famous collectible stickers, includes an impressive array of vintage cars and motorcycles, with a particular emphasis on Maserati. The collection showcases rare and historic Maserati models, including the iconic Maserati Eldorado. This unique race car, with its striking design and history in motorsports, offers automobile enthusiasts a chance to see an important piece of racing heritage up close. The combination of culinary and automotive experiences makes for a unique and memorable visit.

Caseificio Rosola, Parmesan Guided visits.

Located near the city of Zocca, in the province of Modena, this dairy factory can be visited throughout the week (it’s closed on Mondays and on Friday afternoons, opening hours are 9:00-12:30 and 16:00-19:00). Since the location varies from other dairies closer to the city of Modena, in here you’ll be able to find products related to the mountain territory. Here you’ll be able to sample and purchase a type of Parmesan made from the milk of a white- coated breed of cow from the territory of Modena.
The White Modenese is a rare breed of cow native to the Modena region in Italy, known for its distinctive white coat. This breed is particularly valued for its high-quality milk, which is essential for producing a unique type of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. The milk from the White Modenese cows has a higher fat content and richer flavor, contributing to the distinctive taste and texture of the Parmesan cheese made in this region. Visiting dairies that use White Modenese milk offers a unique opportunity to experience and purchase this exclusive and traditional produ

Caseificio San Pietro

The dairy is located near the city of Sassuolo and you can book guided tours of the entire production line of Parmesan, or experience the single phases of the process such as the preparation of the milk and the cheese, the storing area and learn about the aging process. In the dairy’s shop you’ll be able to sample and purchase Parmigiano cheese. Please see their site.

Sassuolo, located in the province of Modena, is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. The city is famous for its ceramics industry, producing some of the finest tiles and ceramics in the world. Visitors can explore the historic center, visit the Ducal Palace, and enjoy the local cuisine, making it a delightful destination for travelers interested in both culinary and cultural experiences.

The Ducal Palace of Sassuolo, a stunning example of Baroque architecture, was once the summer residence of the Este family. It features lavish frescoes, grand halls, and beautiful gardens, offering a glimpse into the opulence of the past. The palace now serves as a museum, showcasing historical artifacts and art collections.

Sassuolo’s cuisine reflects the rich gastronomic tradition of the Emilia Romagna region. Visitors can savor local delicacies such as tortellini, tagliatelle, and gnocco fritto, often accompanied by the region’s renowned balsamic vinegar and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. Traditional trattorias and modern restaurants alike offer an authentic taste of Sassuolo’s culinary heritage.

Caseificio 4 Madonne

Through booking, it’s possible to take part to guided tours every day, and they will last 1-1 and a half hours. depending on the type of tasting experience you choose, which will include sampling Parmesan with different aging periods, local cold cuts, balsamic vinegar, wines and more. You’ll have a chance to explore the history and production process of the cheese through the dairy, and you’ll witness the incredible storage for the Parmesan cheese wheels. More info here.

Caseificio Belvedere

This dairy is located further from Modena, but still retains those aspects of the city’s culture and tradition, with a different spin. Near the towns of Maserno and Montese, the Caseificio Belvedere offers the usual tours and tastings of Parmesan along with other peculiar culinary experiences of the Apennines. In the dairy’s shop, you’ll find local produce, Parmesan cheese and more.


Emilia Delizia offers a variety of Parmesan cheese tours in Emilia Romagna, including guided and self-guided options in Modena, Parma, and Reggio Emilia. Visitors can observe the cheese-making process, participate in tastings, and purchase local products. Featured dairies include Società Agricola Montorsi, Caseificio Rosola, Caseificio San Pietro, Caseificio 4 Madonne, and Caseificio Belvedere, each providing unique experiences for cheese enthusiasts. These tours provide an in-depth look at the craftsmanship behind Parmigiano Reggiano and are ideal for food lovers visiting Italy.

Balsamic Vinegar Tour In Modena

How To Visit A Traditional Balsamic Vinegar Producer in Modena – Emilia Romagna – Italy.

Emilia Delizia invites you to tour and visit a traditional ACETAIA, known as a traditional balsamic vinegar producer, in Modena. Visitors are often astonished by the stark contrast between “regular” or industrial balsamic vinegar and the DOP traditional balsamic vinegar, exclusively crafted in private homes in Modena and Reggio Emilia. A new batch of balsamic vinegar was traditionally initiated at the birth of a baby girl, becoming part of her dowry upon marriage. In earlier centuries, aceto balsamico was primarily used within families and occasionally offered to distinguished guests. It is said that the Duke of Modena maintained his own prestigious vinegar attic in his palace, where notable individuals would be introduced to the exquisite black gold during their visits to Modena. Our Modena vinegar tours provide a unique opportunity to visit private villas and homes where this precious nectar continues to be produced in small quantities, honoring age-old traditions.

Experience the Art of Balsamic Vinegar Making in Modena on a Vinegar Tour.

Traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena is crafted through a meticulous process that begins with reducing organic grape juice (must) by about 30%. This is achieved by gently simmering the must for approximately 24 hours, which increases its sugar content. It’s crucial to never reach the boiling point in order to preserve the beneficial bacteria already present in the liquid. This process takes place during the grape harvest season between September and October, using Lambrusco and Trebbiano grapes.

On a Modena vinegar tour, you’ll learn about the aging process that involves a set of barrels, typically consisting of 4, 5, or 6 progressively smaller barrels made of different woods like acacia, ash, chestnut, mulberry, and cherry. Starting in autumn, the aging process requires at least 12 years of painstakingly topping up the evaporated must from the penultimate barrel to the last one. This sequence is repeated, moving from the second to last barrel to the penultimate one, and so on until the mother barrel is topped up with fresh grape must. No vinegar is drawn for at least 12 years, allowing for the production of the “younger balsamic vinegar.”

Embark on a Modena vinegar tour to explore the fascinating world of traditional balsamic vinegar making and witness the dedication and craftsmanship that goes into producing this exceptional condiment.

The tradition wants that the precious black nectar obtained by the natural concentration of the flavours is used as a digestive at the end of the meal. It is best consumed on plastic or ceramic spoon as metal it is very cold and it would lower the sensory experience.

12 years old traditional balsamic vinegar.

It has more acidity than the other vintages and the sweetness is more subtle. You will soon find out that the favours of the woods are felt on different parts of your tongue and mouth. This balsamic vinegar is particularly indicated on fresher cheeses such as ricotta or mozzarella. You can also add to meat or fish dishes. The important that is used sparingly and only added the end of cooking.

The extra old vintage 24 years old traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena

The acidity decreases and the sweetness is more present, but it is not a flat sugary sensation, it is actually very complex. On your tongue you feel the taste of the blended wood tannins  such as the spiciness of juniper or the sweetness of the cherry wood. At this age it is a perfect match for aged cheese such as Parmesan or even for desserts: straberries, chocolate and ice creams.

28 YEARS OLD VINEGAR and over – Only in the Reggio Emilia province.

Only produced and marketed at this age in the Reggio Emilia. At this point the vinegar has lost a lot of its acidity and it the wood and the sweetness becomes even more accentuated, almost like a sweet complex black nectar. It is best consumed at the end of the meal as a digestive. The province of Reggio Emilia is also a producer of Traditional balsamic vinegar due to the proximity to Modena. The tradition was brought in Reggio Emilia as many women were marring across the 2 provinces bringing their dowry with them. During our Balsamic vinegar tour it is possible to visit Reggio Emilia producer and discover the 3 ageing typical of the area. If you want to learn more about Reggio Emilia culinary tradition please continue reading here.

Balsamic Vinegar Places You Can Visit On Your Own

If you’re an all-round foodie or just love food, there are some things that you can do during your stay in Italy that are food-related and are sure to enhance your experience. Besides trying out the local cuisine and all the traditional dishes available to you, there are activities you can do to fully immerse in the world of Emilia Romagna’s food. Restaurants are a thing you really cannot miss (you’re bound to end up eating out during your vacation, and there’s plenty of excellent places to choose from), but you can also go to local producers to sample ingredients and dishes made with them for a full-on experience. And while you’re looking through reviews and suggestions from fellow foodies on great places that offer food tasting experiences, don’t forget about other pleasures available to you. For example, wine tasting tours are a great idea – as are tours of balsamic vinegar places.
Balsamic vinegar might just be a condiment, but if you get deeper into the local culture, you’ll discover that balsamic vinegar in Emilia Romagna is a whole different deal: it’s tradition, it’s pride in local ingredients, it’s about employing processing methods passed down through generations. In short, visiting the place of production of balsamic vinegar will give you a glimpse into the history of this part of Italy, and there are several options to choose from when it comes to where you’re supposed to go to have a taste of Emilia Romagna.

Villa San Donnino

Villa San Donnino is located in a liberty-style villa just outside Modena, the birthplace of Balsamic Vinegar, this will be a very picturesque destination if you want to enjoy the history of this product in a suggestive environment. Since the certified DOP Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena is produced throughout a very limited and controlled area of Emilia Romagna, it’s something that can truly be sampled only when in this type of location. The Acetaia Villa San Donnino would be a great choice for your balsamic vinegar tasting tour, or shopping and booking through the website is recommended . Once there, you’ll have a chance to see the traditional production methods for the vinegar and taste it paired with great local dishes.

Acetaia Di Giorgio

On their website it’s possible to book a visit to this acetaia (vinegar processing place) to, once again, see how the vinegar is produced, get in touch with the history of this excellent traditional product, sample and purchase DOP Balsamic Vinegar – right at the heart of the beautiful city of Modena. The Acetaia di Giorgio is a tiny balsamic vinegar place, family-owned and with a focus on how the vinegar truly is a legacy passed through the generations.

La Vecchia Dispensa

Another great place you can visit to explore the world of DOP Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena is this acetaia, located in Castelvetro di Modena. The acetaia offers guided tours and tastings of different products that can also be purchased at the shop, along with local jams, spirits, wines, sweets and other products from Modena to pair with the vinegar. Mailing the acetaia will allow you to book a tour but also to find out about special events held by La Vecchia Dispensa, such as lunches in the acetaia, cooking classes and hikes through the vineyards.

Acetaia Malpighi

In this acetaia, you will be able to go on a tour of the place, guided by experts, to discover the secrets of the production of this interesting local condiment. During the tour, you’ll learn more about the history of the Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, the techniques employed to achieve the final product, and you’ll have a chance to taste the vinegar. Groups of 10 people or more can arrange a special tour, which includes a vinegar and local food tasting, so you’ll be able to sample cold cuts, Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, baked goods and wine typical of Modena all in the same package, for an all-round culinary experience.

Acetaia Bompana

Free tastings are held on every opening day in the Acetaia Bompana, and you can book tours if you want to learn about the Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, other than just sampling it in all of its amazing shades of taste. The vinegar can be used in many different ways to enhance dishes, or can just be drizzled on a piece of Parmigiano cheese. This acetaia, like the other certified ones in the area of Modena, is the perfect place to sample the excellence of this traditional and local product. Purchasing some balsamic vinegar for yourself at the outlets annexed to the acetaie will guarantee top quality and an unforgettable taste of Modena to bring back home with you.

In conclusion, a Modena vinegar tour offers a unique and immersive experience into the rich traditions and intricate processes involved in crafting traditional balsamic vinegar. By exploring the picturesque region of Modena and visiting authentic Acetaias, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the time, dedication, and skill required to create this exceptional condiment. The unforgettable sensory journey will leave you with a newfound respect for the craft and a lasting impression of the distinct flavors and aromas of true balsamic vinegar. A visit to Modena’s traditional balsamic vinegar producers is not only a treat for the taste buds but also a cultural and educational experience that should not be missed.

Close-up view of the Balsamic Vinegar aging process in wooden barrels, showcasing the rich heritage and gastronomy of Modena.
Balsamic vinegar barrels

A group of tourists attentively learning the traditional process of Balsamic Vinegar production in a historic Acetaia in Modena.
Ampules containing balsamic vinegar “Tradizionale” for tasting