How To Travel In Italy By Autostrada

If you’ve chosen to rely on a comfortable and familiar mean of transportation by renting a car to move around while you’re in Italy, there are a few tips and guidelines you need to know before you hit the road.


Unless you’re from a country with very different rules, or you’re used to driving on the opposite side of the road, the norms you’ll need to follow won’t be hard to catch up on, but during long distance trips, you’ll have to deal with Italian highways (also known as freeways or motorways), called autostrade (singular: autostrada), which come with their own set of rules, perks and instructions for how to best travel along them.
If you need to stop during your trip, don’t miss the Autogrill rest stations. They are almost full-fledged restaurants and bars, with a souvenir shop and where you can buy snacks, magazines, toys, books and all sorts of useful items. It’s great for a bathroom break, but some toilets might require you pay a small sum to enter, such as 50 cents or 1 euro – this to ensure the standard of cleanliness can be maintained. Self-service petrol stations can also be found here and instructions for how to refill your car are easy to follow.
Autostrade are tool roads. As you enter, you must take a ticket, and you’ll have to pay the toll as you exit the autostrada, based on the distance travelled. You can pay with cash, by using a card or you can enter the Telepass lane and the fee will be sent through a monthly invoice. However, a Telepass is not something rental cars are equipped with, so take care to enter the right lane for your chosen payment method, as entering a Telepass lane without having the device will cause you trouble and will result in a fine. During high season you can expect to find queues, and since most Italians pay by cash, lanes for card payments might be less packed.

How to Calculate Distances and Toll Fees

You can search the web to find a website that will allow you to calculate the toll fee and distances before you actually have to ride along an autostrada, and is the perfect option to make sure you’re ready to pay the toll.

Speed Limits and Penalties

The leftmost lane of the autostrada is the one with the fastest driving speed. If drivers behind you are urging you to speed up or keep passing you, either accelerate or move to the lane to your right, where the minimum speed is slightly lower. The signs will tell you speed limits (in black over a white circled framed in red) and minimum speeds for the chosen lane (in white over a blue circle). Respecting the minimum speed is very important.
As autostrade are monitored, be careful to respect the speed limits or else you will automatically be fined. If your car is a rental, the fine will be processed by the rental company with an added fee.
The maximum speed allowed on an autostrada is that of 130 km/h (110 km/h in the event of bad weather), otherwise, pay attention to the signs and keep alert.
Safe travels and have a great time riding across Italy!

Most picturesque villages in Italy

Italy is a country with an amazing landscape. From Tuscany to Mont Blanc, you are sure to be treated to a plethora of amazing enthralling sights. This is a country where your camera will have to be at ready because you never know when an exciting moment or photo-worthy scene will present itself. Going around Italy, you should find some areas more picturesque than others. Here are the top five villages that you must visit and with your quality camera at ready;


Alberobello– Famed for its fascinating Trulli houses (cone shaped brick houses), Alberobello village is located on the southern side of Italy. It is part of the metropolitan Bari, in the region of Apulia. This village which literally translates to ‘beautiful tree’ is a place where true beauty of Italy comes forth. Make sure you troop in to a Trulli to discover what makes them so special. Visit the Piazza del Popolo and take in the picturesque central square. Take a bench and click away the amazing sights and moments. Don’t forget to visit the Museo dell’ Olio.

Matera– This is a town where culture stays intact and alive. You will have plentiful of fun things to do in this amazing town located on the southern end of Italy. This town gained international fame because of the Sassi di Matera which is regarded as one of early human settlements in Europe. The town was named as the European city of Culture of 2019. This is because of the marvelous cathedrals, dreamy white Sassi or ‘stones’ of Matera and of course the wine havens. One place where you must visit and take a couple of photos is the Church of Santa Maria de Idris.

Manarola – This is one of the most famous Italian tourist destinations. It is part of the famous Cinque Terre in Liguria, Northern Italy. There are fabled hard trails that lead to enthralling sights. You have the amazing opportunity to explore the harbor which is simply refreshing and breathtaking. The apartment blocks standing at the edge of the cliff makes the blue water look so peaceful and precarious. Take a tour to the vineyard and have a winery experience as you explore the landscape. Take the uphill trudge to the inside of the town and enjoy a refreshing view of the town and the scenic sea below.

Civita di Bagnoregio– Any day, Civita di Bagnoregio stands out as a stunning village with to-kill-for sights. It is about one and half hours from Rome. You will feel small but important especially when you visit the iconic pedestrian walkway towards the town. This is a town which is perched atop a hill and whose beauty is unspoiled by modern cars. Walk around this amazing town and take awe-striking photos of the surrounding landscape.

San Marino– This is one of the oldest and smallest republic on the planet. It is adorned with the best nature could think of. There are amazingly high towers which mark the end and start of the town. You will have the incredible sights away from the high placed town. There is the Basilica di San Marino and the sweeping Monte Titano view to soak in.

San Marino
San Marino

A short guide about cycling in Chianti – Tuscany.

Have you ever thought about experiencing a day bicycle tour in the heart of the Chianti wine region? It can be a very original idea for spending a weekend in a different way. Many kinds of bicycle tours are offered through the hills of Chianti visiting vineyards, villas and olive groves. You will have the chance to enjoy stunning landscapes and obviously, to taste a glass of wine and some Tuscan olive oil on  bread.
Here are some suggestions to combine fun and adventure through the Chianti region. 2012 L'Eroica

South of Florence: Between Radda and Volpaia.

Radda in Chianti is one of the most popular Tuscan areas chosen by bike lovers, located in the province of Siena. This itinerary starts in Radda in Chianti and is 19 kilometres long. We can say that it’s a short route, but not so easy to cover, as it is it has slopes and steep elevations. For instance, you’ll find a steep rise towards Castelvecchi and Volpaia. Nevertheless, the effort is worth it. There you’ll enjoy a view of the Chianti landscape that seems to be really postcard perfect. This itinerary is part of a cycling loop check this website for the whole map.

East of Siena: Tour of Chianti from Castelnuovo Berardenga.

This great network of cycling routes around the Chianti region covers the four main municipalities of Siena. If is dotted with countless wineries that offer chianti tasting.  If you choose to take part in this journey, you will start from Castelnuovo Berardenga and you will have the choice to pedal for as long as long 98 kilometres. In certain areas, It can be a demanding tour, suitable for people who love working hard and are not afraid of long distances and steep rises.
Up and Down visiting Abbeys and Castles from Castelnuovo Berardenga to Castle of Montalto

Starting from Castelnuovo Berardenga you can choose this track that is just 28 kilometres. As a matter of fact, short itineraries can be the most demanding ones. The elevation profile is really varying. There are no long rises but at the same time, you won’t find any flat ground for almost 27 kilometres from Badia to Berardegna, as well as in the areas of the Monastery d’Ombrone and of the Castle of Montalto.

Towards Monteriggioni.

It’s a demanding itinerary,  51 kilometres long.
Is a tour of great historic interest but characterised by stunning views at the same time, above all in the Val d’Elsa. Tackling this route, you can choose to take a dirt shortcut, recommended for those who love riding mountain bikes.
The hardest part of the itinerary is the short but steep ride from Staggia towards the state highway Cassia, as well as the final rise to Castellina.

Towards Siena.

This 65-kilometre itinerary is one of the hardest ever. You really need a suitable bike to experience the demanding tour that starts from Radda in Chianti. The route is bumpy, with lots of bends, and it doesn’t present sudden elevations or drops however from start to finish there are more than 800 metres of difference in elevation.
A deviation towards the historic centre of Siena and the Certosa of Pontignano is strongly recommended. Don’t forget to fully enjoy the final part that goes through the authentic Chianti of San Sano, Lecchi, Ama and Andine.    

Going Meat Free in Tuscany: Ceci, Cicerchia and Beans.

Tuscan cuisine is largely based on legumes, for this reason there is a wide selection of Tuscan legumes which characterise many of the most delicate and flavourful Italian dishes. We are talking about Cicerchia, a traditional and ancient legume that cultivation dates back to the Mesopotamian era, and it looks like a squashed chickpea of some sort. In Italy is still widely grown in Tuscany. Cicerchia contains proteins like other legumes, B group vitamins, salt minerals and polyphenols. These beans need to soaked overnight and they are perfect for soup preparation, as well as Ceci (chickpeas), used for soup and pasta, they are indeed very nutritious. Finally, there are also some types of beans (cannellini and borlotti), tender and fine, appreciated for the easy digestibility. Furthermore, do not forget that they can be a good substitute for meat.
We propose three simple and flavourful recipes. Emilia Delizia compiled this short guide about going meat free in Tuscany. Enjoy!

fagioli borlotti
Tuscan borlotti beans

Zuppa di Cicerchie

The soup of Cicerchie is a nourishing dish. It is based on Cicerchie with sautéed celery, onions, potatoes and tomatoes, seasoned with rosemary and sage.
To prepare the soup, first you have to leave the Cicerchie to soak for at least 24 hours, changing the water frequently. Once they are ready, chop the onions and the celery; then clean and cut a tomato and two potatoes. In a quite big pot, brown two slices of garlic in some oil; once they will be ready, take them out and add celery and onion. After ten minutes, add potatoes, tomatoes, Cicerchia and season with salt and pepper. Add some vegetable broth from time to time.

Finally, add a sprig of rosemary and sage and cook for an hour. Once it will be ready, take out the sprig and serve the soup while it is still hot.

Pasta e Ceci

It is a simple and rich dish, perfect to eat in cold days. It is simple because it comes from the poor Tuscan tradition and it is rich because it puts together carbohydrates and proteins.
Firstly leave the Ceci to soak for 12 hours with a pinch of bicarbonate. Then rinse the legumes and cook them with rosemary. In the meanwhile, prepare a tomato sauce, with some garlic and rosemary.
Once Ceci are well cooked and soft blend them in a food processor, the result it should look like a liquid soup. Add the tomato sauce at cook it again until boiling; now you can add pasta (you can choose Ditalini or even broken Spaghetti) and keep cooking until is the pasta is ready.

Fagioli all’ uccelletto

It is a typical Tuscan dish from Florence. It is based on very simple ingredients and despite of its name, (uccelletto in Italian means little bird) you will not find meat in it.
Start cooking with the usual soaking and cooking of the beans: put them in a pot (made of terracotta if possible) and cook them in plenty of water, until they will be tender.
Once the beans are ready, brown them (again in a terracotta pot) with some oil, garlic and sage; add 200 gr of peeled tomatoes and cook it all until the sauce becomes dense.
Finally add the Beans, season with salt and pepper and keep cooking for an extra 15 minutes. Serve them as hot as possible.

Tips for your Mobile and internet Access While in Italy

Smartphones have become faithful companions for the tourist wanting to snap pictures, take videos, and do a number of things that can make your trip more efficient, comfortable and that can make you keep in touch with your loved ones even thousands of miles away from home. But of course, not all data plans are created equal and if you don’t prepare yourself properly, your smartphone can become your enemy, eating up your data traffic, or leaving you hanging at the worst of times.

Forgotten but not gone, the old robot-like Italian pay phones are everywhere though we never saw anyone using them.
Don’t get stuck in Italy with one of these!

Parla Italiano?

Of course Italian is not a language that can be grasped on the go, so that might make it all the more difficult to prepare or activate a mobile plan once you’ve arrived in Italy. Which is why it’s recommended you prepare yourself for any possibility before departure. But just in case, here’s some vocabulary: “sim card” or “carta sim”, “mobile plan” is “contratto telefonico” and if you need to charge the amount available for your mobile usage you can say “mi serve una ricarica” (I need a charge card).

Which phone plan?

Italian telecommunications provider’s shops allow you to choose from a wide range of phone plans, which might or might not include a data plan, but there are so many of them that you might waste a consistent part of your day just locked up with a salesperson looking at complex information. Most of the phone plans are not tailored after tourists who will stay in Italy for a few weeks, and deleting your subscription afterwards will be an even more bothersome process. Not to mention that these shops might have long queues and that’s more time you’ll have to waste as you try to choose the right option for your smartphone usage.

Many providers and a bit of bureaucracy.

The major companies providing mobile services in Italy are Vodafone, Wind, Tim and 3 (Tre). You will find the help desk or shop for each of them in all of the major cities in Italy and even in most minor cities and towns. As mentioned, there is a great number of options and most if not all of them will require you settle your phone plan with a clerk using at least some basic Italian terms. But if doing as much seems easy enough, you have to know that’s not all. To start a mobile plan, you’ll need some documents. A document certifying your identity (passports or Italian IDs – carta d’identità – are the only ones accepted) and the codice fiscale (a code similar to an American social security number) are the most important ones needed but of course tourists won’t have the codice fiscale, for instance. Moreover, once you’ve worked out a way to activate a mobile contract, there’s paperwork to fill out, and that’s another obstacle for those who just want to enjoy their vacation and upload photos to social media as they go.
Your best option would be to start a prepaid plan that can be charged at certain locations, such as tobacconist shops, at certain bars and cafés, and charge cards can also be purchased by the cash registers in most supermarkets or shopping centers. You can either use such charge cards with your phone, tell your phone number to the salesperson who will then charge your number with the desired amount in the locations where this option is available or, according to your plan, you might also be able to charge your phone with the provider’s smartphone app, using your credit card or
PayPal account.
But when it comes down to which option to choose, remember: if you can plan out your flights and hotel stays from the comfort of your home, why not choose the right mobile plan for you before departure as well? If you are going to Italy this summer more tips and travel advice can be found on EmiliaDelizia travel blog.

How To Travel In Italy By Train

Fast and confy!

Italy is a wonderful country and there’s plenty of sights to enjoy during your stay, but getting around might be a hassle if you decide to rent a car, especially if you’re the kind of person who would rather leisurely stroll around the historical landmarks instead of looking for a parking spot or having to dish out extra money to pay for one. Moving around the city using taxis or buses is great if you’re planning on visiting places distant from one another, but if you’ve tailored your holiday around multiple cities of Italy, the best way to move from town to town and enjoy the local Italian countryside and sights in the meantime is to travel by train.

Frecce, Italo and IC, what is the difference?

Through the years, the railway system has improved and there are trains to fit your every need.
Regional trains connect small or medium sized towns, and they are great if you plan to visit many cities that aren’t too distant from one another and happen to fall under the same route. These trains take slightly longer to cover the same distance because of the many stops, so if you need to go to a completely different area of Italy, high speed trains are probably best.
Intercity trains (marked as IC on the timetables inside the station) cover long distances and are great to go from Northern Italy to the South, and also include night trains. Frecce are a category of high speed trains and are the Frecciargento, Frecciarossa and Frecciabianca, depending on the routes covered and the speed they operate at.
Italo trains are halfway between the cheapest and more expensive solutions, as they stop in major cities, travel at a high speed but are still affordable and comfortable at the same time.

You can book your tickets on dedicated websites, mostly on the website of Italian railways, Trenitalia, or on the website of the specific company you’re interested in employing for your travels, such as . It’s recommended you book your seat for high-speed trains, especially if you plan on travelling first-class, lest you find out that the train you needed is at full capacity already or if you prefer a certain seat or are travelling in a group. By booking online, you would get a receipt that will be checked by the ticket inspectors on board.
For regional trains booking beforehand is not always necessary and it’s not useful unless you’re booking a first-class seat, and beware of regional trains if you’re travelling during rush-hour, since regionals are the trains used by commuters.
You can also get your ticket directly at the station. Ticket machines work in multiple languages and accept credit cards or cash. A printed ticket lasts for 60 days, and once it has been validated it lasts for 6 hours, enough to cover you in case your train is delayed or canceled.
Don’t forget to validate your tickets and try to remember the Italian spelling of the city you’re going to so that it’ll be easier to check timetables!

The World According To Renato Bialetti

On the 11th of February 2016, Renato Bialetti, the man who has made the moka pot famous in the world, has passed at the age of 93. We would like to honor his memory by honoring his family business and most importantly the moka pot, an invention that has revolutionized the way Italians, and the rest of the world can make excellent coffee even in the leisure of their homes. Moka

The Bialetti Family.

While it was Alfonso Bialetti who invented this revolutionary type of coffee maker, taking inspiration, by the way, his wife used to do laundry, it was his son, Renato, who made the passion for the stove-top creation explode worldwide.

Iconic and useful.

Italians used to be able to make coffee at home by filtering the boiling water over the ground coffee, but with the invention of the moka, which is not only a very useful tool but also a design object, the lives of Italians and others all around the globe (most of the international users of the moka are in the other countries of Europe and in Latin America) have changed radically. The Bialetti moka, as well as other moka pots made by other brands, does everything by itself thanks to the water pressure rising as the liquid comes to a boil and filters, with an upwards motion, the coffee grounds. The result varies according to the quality of the ground coffee used, temperature of water, fineness of grind and type of roast for the coffee beans used, but the coffee made with a moka affords users to drink it whenever, and with bigger moka pots coffee can be served for the whole family after a meal in just one go. Moreover, the new and improved method for extraction of coffee available thanks to the Bialetti invention gives an extraction ratio similar to (or at times higher than) that of an espresso machine found commonly at a bar or café, and the coffee made with a moka pot is decidedly stronger than one produced with drip brewing.

The method with which the moka produces coffee isn’t the only aspect that has participated in making the coffee maker an incredible invention, but it’s also the shape of the moka that has become such a symbol that nowadays most of the moka pots produced tend to keep the same design. Its shape is so recognizable by Italians and globally thanks to the effort made by Renato Bialetti who spread the love, passion and knowledge for this invention to the rest of the world.

The Bialetti Company.

 In 1952, the joined efforts with an advertiser made possible the creation of the symbol of the Bialetti company, the “little man with a mustache” that can be seen as the brand’s mascot on the moka pots produced.
We can say that the creation of Alfonso Bialetti and the efforts of Renato Bialetti have made it possible for the Italian coffee tradition to evolve, allowing women to enjoy the pleasure that was until then exclusive of men who frequented bars in their own home and allowed men to enter the kitchen to create original and high-quality coffee with a simple gesture.

The Wine Routes of Orvieto

When visiting the region of Umbria, and specifically the city of Orvieto, rich in art and history, you might want to pay a visit to some of the city’s most prominent restaurants for local and truffle-based dishes. But a good meal should never go unaccompanied by the perfect wine to pair the dishes with, and Orvieto is a city well-stocked in this department.

Castelluccio di Norcia - Umbria, Italy
Amazing landscapes of Umbria – Italy.

Strada dei Vini.

Indeed, the Association “Strada dei vini Etrusco Romana” in the province of Terni was born to showcase the typical products of the local tradition, especially the wines and wineries that grace the territory. During your stay in Orvieto, you might choose to follow this wine route in order to experience the world of wine production, through the visit to many different associated wineries and wine cooperatives. The wine route takes its name from the Etruscan and Roman heritage of the territory, and if you were to choose to visit some of the wineries along the road you will see experience first-hand how the production of local wines has been refined and perfected through the years, and some of the cooperatives might offer wine tasting experiences and tours.

Orvieto Wines.

The most prominent local productions include some D.O.C quality wines, such as the Orvieto D.O.C, a sweet, amber-colored wine best drunk along with pecorino cheese and honey, or paired with fish-based dishes. Or again the Rosso Orvietano D.O.C, an excellent red wine to pair with game, roast and savory meat-based dishes. Others local wines include the Lago di Corbara D.O.C, a ruby red wine great with red meat or poultry, and the Colli Amerini D.O.C wine.

More prestigious and certified productions of red and white wines follow along the route, in the many associated wineries that have endorsed the project, but the experience doesn’t stop here, because a number of restaurants serving traditional and regional dishes have also taken part in the wine route. Along it you can also find hotels for a comfortable stay or oil mills to complete your exploration of Italian tastes and customs.
To name a few of the wineries you can find on the route, the “Argillae” wine house offers tours and a taste itinerary during which you can also purchase their products, and visits must be booked before-hand on the winery’s website. Or the “Castello delle Regine”, a family-run business that includes a winery, oil-mill, restaurant with local Umbrian cuisine and that offers wonderful week-ends for wine lovers: for € 90 per person you will get an overnight stay in an apartment, dinner and breakfast and a complimentary bottle of Castello delle Regine wine.

The wineries that take part in the Orvieto “Strada dei vini Etrusco Romana” wine route are many and variegated, each with its own products and traditions, but if you follow your nose and taste buds, you’re sure to find excellent wines!

Emilia Delizia organises wines tours in Umbria following the wine routes in Orvieto and other nearby towns. We can offer full inclusive and stress-free wine tours of many areas in Italy. If you are interested in having a wonderful wine vacation in Italy do not hesitate to contact us.

10 (and growing) Best Travel Blogs About Italy.

Here below we have compiled a list of the best travel to Italy blogs, they contain precious information about getting around Italy, shopping, sightseeing, and a lot precious information that will help your travel in Italy. has compiled a useful list of the best blog about Italy to read

Italy Magazine has been around for a long time and it has a wealth of information about travelling to Italy. Check their list of the best blogs to read in 2013

Wandering Italy blog covers many interesting areas such as Puglia, Tuscany, Rome, Verona and Cinque Terre.

Expat blog published this interesting list of Blogs written by expats in Italy, it is definitely interesting if you plan to visit Italy and get info from who is living there as an expat

Venere is an Italian property booking site with an updated blog with plenty of information abut travelling to Italy check it out

Rick is an American expat who has written a blog full of interesting information about Rome

Villa San Raffaello has a blog about Le Marche Region, often considered the hidden gem of Italy. If you plan a trip to see their wonderful sea and countryside check their blog

Dream of Italy has compiled an interesting list about getting around in Italy, if you plan to take trains, or drive yourself on the autostrada check this blog post

Ecobnb a suistainable accomodation website has interesting blog post about eco tourism in Italy

RailEurope has some tips about getting around in Italy and have a cheap holiday. Check it out here

If you are wondering where to go in Italy, check this quick list of the best destinations in the country. courtesy of Colin de Cristofaro.

Not really a blog, but interesting photography workshop in Cinque Terre run by Ugo Cei check it out become a master photographer while visiting the stunning Italian riviera.

Bologna: Review of Trattoria Anna Maria

The Trattoria Anna Maria is a restaurant located in the historical heart of Bologna. The cozy and homely atmosphere definitely remind the customer of the history of the establishment, opened in 1985, and that of Bologna and of the Bolognese cooking tradition.
The trattoria is furnished simply, so that the customers will be able to enjoy the high-quality and handmade dishes of the Emilian tradition of the city and they’ll be able to do so in a setting that welcomes interaction and merrymaking between the people seated at the table, as is typical during an Italian meal!

Tortellini in brodo di cappone

The Trattoria Anna Maria prides itself in its selection of local dishes, perfectly in line with what a tourist might be looking for when choosing to sample traditional cuisine. For example, among the first courses served here we cannot fail to mention tortellini, tagliatelle, tortelloni with filling and lasagne, all made with ragù, the traditional meat sauce that accompanies most of the pasta-based dishes of Emilia-Romagna. Among the second courses offered by the trattoria, we have game, such as rabbit (which is a delicacy and a very savory dish that is highly recommended!), guinea-fowl and capon dishes, and again duck or various cuts of pork prepared according to recipes handed down through the generations.
The dishes I’ve ordered have all been presented somewhat simply, but that only contributes in avoiding distractions for the customer, who can then focus on the true tastes of Bolognese dishes.
As the first course of my meal, I had tortellini with capon broth, different than regular chicken-stock broth as it’s more savory and genuine, according to the traditional recipe of grandmothers who prepared this type of dish for the Sunday lunch. The portion was generous and the tortellini were fairly good.
Despite being famous for the first courses of meat-filled pasta, the meat-based dishes of the trattoria were especially well prepared and surprised me for their high quality. I ordered a roast of pork shin-bone, accompanied by a small portion of baked potatoes that was excellent.
I’ve also ordered two typical desserts, a “zuppa inglese” and a tiramisu, both very good and served in generous portions.
The prices for the first and second courses are medium-high, ranging between the 11 and 15 euros per dish. Considering the central position of the restaurant, this is a good price, and the quality to price ratio is very good.

Roasted pork shin
Tiramisu and zuppa inglese