Como, What to do in a Weekend (According to the Locals)

Been to Lake Garda? Now try Lake Como (Lago di Como in Italian), one of the deepest lakes in Europe, is well-know all over the world, but not only because George Clooney has chosen to live there; on the contrary it’s a gorgeous destination where you can spend a couple of days, but even more that a simple weekend because it offers many things to do and places to visit.


Of course, a visit of Como can’t be missed. First of all you must go to the Duomo bianco; then you can have a walk in the city centre or even along the lake. The Tempio Voltiano is also very nice to see and, cherry on top, have an ice cream in the nice little square over the lake.
Furthermore, why don’t you do a tour in the funicular railway? It will be very exciting to overlook the lake!
Of course, you must think about where to lodge, and you can choose between a nice B&B along the lake, or a hotel in the city centre. The second one can be the better choice, because you can enjoy the city of Como and at the same time, with a ferry, you can visit the near destinations.


Visit Bellagio on lake Como – source

Bellagio is a small village in the province of Como. This is one of the destinations that you can reach by ferry from Como, and you won’t have to stress finding a parking for your car!
Bellagio is a very romantic village, where the main characteristic are the stairs made of rocks, the narrow roads and the bars along the lake.
During summer you can visit Villa Serbelloni with its wonderful gardens, but always be careful to check the timetables of the visits as well as the ones of the ferries: a good idea can be to leave Como in the afternoon, and to come back at night, after a nice dinner in Bellagio.
You absolutely must spend a day there or at least a romantic walk!


Not very well-known, but beautiful and romantic as well as Como and Bellagio, is the village of Varenna, situated on the other branch of Lake Como.
You can reach Varenna by boat, even if it takes more than two hours to arrive, or by car, in an hour. In this case you can visit the near city of Lecco.
In any case, if you decide to spend a day in Varenna, Villa Monastero is not to be missed. It’s an old monastery with beautiful inners and stunning gardens where you’ll experience a two-hour-walk!
You should visit even the Castello di Vezio, a castle that you can reach walking for 40 minutes, but if you’re a bit lazy, you can go even by car and enjoy an amazing show of birds of prey.

Lake Como is one of the most beautiful locations in Italy, visited by a lot of tourists all over the year, in summer as well as in winter. If you have in hand more than just a weekend, don’t miss the chance to visit all the destinations all around the lake!

How to Eat Like a Local in Venice try Al Bacareto and Al Prosecco

Venice is a unique and picturesque city, with many things to see and experience. If you’re going to visit Venice, you might have looked around online for suggestions on how to truly live the city, and what better way to do as much if not by eating like a local? In Italy, food plays a relevant part in everybody’s everyday life, and this is true for Venice as well. In this article, we’re going to talk about a little something that is typical of Venice, and one of the best ways to experience food and drinks like a local: the bacaro.
The bacaro is a typical venetian pub, which offers aperitifs, drinks, snacks and wines for a very reasonable price. They’re scattered all around Venice and both locals and tourists hang out in the multitude of bacari that dot the city. The term “bacaro” comes from the Latin name of “Bacchus”, the god of wine and harvest. Originally little warehouses the wine makers used to store the barrels of wine, now the bacari are establishments halfway between a tavern and a pub, perfect for a break between sightseeing and to enjoy a quick lunch, snack or evening cocktail.
But the choice when it comes to bacaro is wide, and while you can go wherever you prefer, literally entering the first one you come across, here is a list of the best known ones.


Eat like a local in venice
Where to eat in Venice like a Local – source


Al Bacareto

An historical place, located between Campo Santo Stefano and Palazzo Grassi. Here you can also enjoy first courses typical of Venetian cuisine (for a slightly higher price than normal bacaro snacks and drinks), or you can simply drink a ombra (literally “shadow” – white wine on tap) along with some cicchetti. The cicchetti are a tradition in Venice and the term refers to the quick snacks and dishes that can be eaten along with alcoholic drinks. Cicchetti include bruschetta or crouton with toppings but also meatballs, fried fish and more.

Al Prosecco Bacaro

Located in Campo San Giacomo dall’Orio, which is not your typical tourist destination inside the city, this bacaro managed to maintain a local atmosphere, perfect if you want to know what a bacaro frequented by locals feels like. With a wide selection of wines, tasty cicchetti and cheeses, the Bacaro Al Prosecco offers a great experience for anyone. If you’re around on Saturdays, oysters and fresh, raw fish is available as well.

Bacaro ‘do Mori’

Ever since the 1462, this bacaro has become a legend in Venice, counting Casanova among its clients through the years. Perfect to experience a light lunch surrounded by its historical atmosphere.

The bacari you can visit are many more than just these three, and each one is unique in its own way. Experiment different snacks and wines and live and eat your way into the city’s earth like a local. We offer a food tour in Venice where you can try all these specialites and cookery lessons to learn how to make them.

Rome Tours With Traditional Osteria Lunch and Food Crawl

Interesting tour lead by native Roman Vincenzo who will combine Rome’s ancient history with a food crawl and gourmet osteria Lunch. Not not be missed.

Visit Rome with local guide vincenzo source


Ancient Rome

Explore the wonders of Rome with an exciting 3 hour tour. The spectacular tour covers the Roman Coliseum, which features breathtaking exteriors, interiors, and ancient architecture. The Forum Romanum is also a must see and is home to the Senate, Arch Septimius Severus, basilica Julia, and Maxentius basilica. The world renowned city also showcases the Arch Titus, Arch Constantine, and Capitol Hill. The walking tour features picturesque backdrops and lavish scenery at every turn. You can also enjoy world class cuisine set in an elegant Roman restaurant for a slightly additional cost. We will arrange a meeting point for all clients that are ready to experience the allure, and essence of Rome.

Vatican City

As the epicenter for Roman Catholicism, Vatican City is a haven for countless tourists. Your 5 tour starts at St. Peter’s basilica, which includes interiors, exteriors, and Michelangelo’s famous masterpiece sculptures: Bernini Baldachin, Piet, and more. You will also get to see the square and the magic of the Vatican Museums – Borgia’s flat, Raphael’s rooms, Greek cross room, Round room, Muses room, and the world famous Sistine Chapel. The tour also includes the Tapestry, Candelabra, and Geographic Maps galleries that are a must for ancient art lovers, aficionados, and enthusiasts. After a day of exploring Roman architecture at its finest, wind down with a traditional Osteria lunch and fine wines served to perfection. Meeting point for all visitors will be at the entrance of the Museums.

Pope’s City

The 4 hour Pope’s City tour includes the major sights of the downtown area: Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, Colonna Square, Hadrian Temple, and the Pantheon. The latter features Raphael’s tomb, along with the Italian Royal Family of Savoy tombs. The tour also includes Campo dei Fiori, Navona Square, Marcellus’ Theater, and the ancient Jewish ghetto, which features Octavia Gate. Meeting point for the tour will be discussed with clients, and you will be able to sample traditional Italian dishes via food stands. I do have passes for all spots desired!

Tour Guide Profile – Vincenzo

I was born in Rome and a licensed tour guide since 2009. I am also an art historian, and my clients are mainly English speakers. As a native Roman, I want to help you explore this fascinating and beloved city!

Lucca Guided Tour with Food Experience

Silvia is a reputable and licensed tour guide with years of extensive industry experience. As your premier tour guide for the Tuscany Region, she has a foreign language degree and speaks both Italian and English fluently. With more than 15 years if the tourism industry, she has organized countless tours of her hometown for tourists, visitors, and locals alike. From historic sites and architecture to the best in old town shops and jewelry venues, this amazing guide will truly show you the magic and mystique of Lucca. As a world renowned and popular tourist attraction, Lucca is blanketed with breathtaking scenery and picturesque landscapes at every turn. Explore the wonders of Lucca, which features medieval churches, art museums, Renaissance walls, and ancient palaces, that capture the true allure and essence of old Italy.

Lucca is one of the most charming towns in Tuscany – source


The Lucca Tour

As part of your guided tour, you will embrace the beauty of Lucca with its enchanting villages, parks, hamlets, and the resort town of Viareggio. The coastal region of Versilia is also a must see for those that love the ocean and stunning mountain views. After a day of touring, enjoy the hottest nightlife spots with world class cuisine, wine, and the perfect blend of traditional and contemporary music.

Lucca Wine and Fine Gourmet Tours

If you love to sample fine wines and delicious Italian delicacies and entrees, your guide will connect you to the finest restaurants and outdoor cafes in the region. Dazzle your taste buds with the best in Torta Derbi, Buccellato, Cioccolato, along with traditional olive oil and salami specialties. This is a must for fine gourmet connoisseurs and aficionados that want to sample and taste the best in Italian cuisine. While the aromas and scents will captive your soul, you will also love the historic churches, monuments, architecture, and burgeoning art scene that Lucca offers.

Lucca Gardens

The guide will also take you on a walking tour of the regionally renowned Botanical Garden. The Palazzo Pfanner garden and Guinigi tower are also situated within long and woody city walls that cannot be missed. The Lucca Gardens tour showcases some of the finest frescoes in the region that exemplify the historic traditions and culture of this fascinating city. From elegant floral arrangements to lavish shopping venues, Lucca welcomes you and your loved ones with open arms

How to Drive a Ferrari in Italy

The Ferrari is epitome of world class sports cars. As a popular Italian import, this globally renowned vehicle is known for its superior speed, finesses and handling. The Ferrari is also synonymous with true elegance, luxury and class. With the average price of a Ferrari ranging from $200,000  to $400,000, this high-performance car is still relegated to the rich and wealthy. For those visiting Italy, however, there are ways to test drive this cutting edge and unique vehicle. If you’ve always wanted to test drive a Ferrari, the city of Maranello can turn your dreams into realities.

Ferrari Test Drives in Maranello

Maranello is located in Northern Italy and just a stone’s throw from Modena. The city is home to the Ferrari Museum, and features ample roads and race tracks for Ferrari test drives. Test drives can last 10 minutes or 2 hours if desired. All drivers will be accompanied by instructor co-pilots on public roads, and must be 21 years of age with valid international licenses. While road test drives will feature the sleek Ferrari 458 model, race track testing will showcase the Ferrari 430. The race track is situated in Modena, which is a mere 18km away. All test drives are inclusive of booking and rental fees, which must be secured before driving can commence. For your convenience, Lamborghini test drives are also available for tourists, visitors, and locals.

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The Ultimate Driving Experience

While Italy is blanketed with countless wineries, 5-star restaurants, and historic architecture, nothing compares to driving a Ferrari on the open roads. In fact, it is considered the ultimate driving experience for any seasoned or new driver. If planning to visit Italy specifically for Ferrari test drives, you must hold an international driver’s license and be over 21 (you need to have had your driving license for at least 2 years). There are also full day (24 hour) rentals available for drivers that want to take their loved ones out for the day. The Ferrari models comfortably seat 4, and are guaranteed to thrill your family members and friends at every turn.

Book Now

Ferrari test drives continue to soar in global popularity. Whether for public road or race track test drives, slots usually fill up very quickly. As a result, you should book your slot ASAP to secure the test drive of a lifetime.

Parma Food Tour

This is our Classic Food tour from Parma. We pick you up from your hotel in Parma, the tour includes, Parmesan cheese visit, Balsamic vinegar, Parma ham tasting.
This tour is available in English, German, Russian and French.


Tours begins at 8.30 am and ends at 13.30.

Meeting point in Parma your hotel or Parma train station.

Options: self drive client drives own car, and includes professional guide guiding the tour.

Chauffeured: We can organise a chauffeured tour too please see options below.

Included: Parmesan cheese production + Parmesan of different ageing tasting. Balsamic vinegar producer tour + Balsamic vinegar tour + tasting of traditional balsamic vinegar. Parma ham visit + Parma ham tour + generous Parma ham tasting with bread.

Additional: winery lunch can be added to this tour.


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Tour Of Florence’s Most Elegant Balcony, Fiesole.

A Walking tour around Florence to discover Italy like a local. 

Discover Fiesole – source


Total distance covered Km: 10
Escursion time : 5 hours
Meeting time: 9 am Fiesole main square

This is an itinerary that will show you all the beauty of Florence from its most elegant and
prestigious balcony: Fiesole.
Beginning from the heart of the Etruscan town, the walk winds through charming alleys, ancient churches, Etruscan tombs, olive groves and woods, villas, and stunning city views. Soon you leave the asphalt to enter the Park Monte Ceceri a path used for centuries by generations of stonemasons to reach the quarries of sandstone –

Michelangelo himself came here to learn his art – and with which most of palaces and castles in the surroundings are built with the stone mined here. Along the
walk memories of Renaissance artists like, Leonardo, Rossellino, Da Maiano, that lived and worked here. The way ends in the lovely hamlet of Settignano where the writer D’annunzio, Eleonora Duse,  Lord Acton, lived last century.

On request, I may organize a group lunch in a trattoria al fresco.
* Language: Italian / English
Tour lead by Angelica Turi




Vicenza Palladian Villa Tour

The Veneto Region in Italy is a haven for tourists and locals alike. Whether for corporate functions or family vacations, you and your party will simply marvel over the world famous Palladian Villas. These amazing structures truly capture the allure and essence of fine Italian architecture and the Romance Period. The Region is also home to Vicenza, which is known for its rich cultural traditions and heritage.

Along with the “City of Gold”, your guided tour also includes a visit to the world renowned Andrea Palladio. This unique city is blanketed by ancient Italian and contemporary art monuments. If you are looking for a vacation quite like no other, the Veneto Region features breathtaking scenery and Villas that will simply leave you speechless.

Tour Itinerary and Details

Your Veneto tour commences at the Villa La Rotonda, which is a true symbol of art and spirituality. Located in the Valley of Silence, the Villa is synonymous with captivating and compelling architecture that simply cannot be missed. This is a true icon of Palladian architecture that is perfect for all art enthusiasts and aficionados. The Villa Valmarana ai Nani is only five minutes away and is the next stop on the tour. This enchanted villa features a myriad of frescoes by Giambattista Tiepolo.

Visit Palladian Villas
Palladian Villas – source



The tour then moves on to the Berici Hills, which showcases the Villa da Schio. This is a 17th century structure that features an abbot on the hillside area. This is truly a picturesque landscape with wood decorated walls and a garden. The latter includes ancient ruins and the popular airy divinity statues and monuments. There is also a fully functional winery situated inside the hill. Guests and visitors will be able to sample local and regional wine flavors, while enjoying world class entrees and delicacies in the garden restaurant.

Book Your Palladian Villa Tour

The Veneto walking tour features expert guides at every turn. If you want to experience the magic of the Veneto Region, now is the time to book your tours.

Lavorare Come Guida Turistica a Bologna, Firenze, Venezia.

Come si fa a diventare guida turistica In Italia?

Non bisogna credere che per fare la guida turistica basti amare la propria città e sapere un minimo d’inglese. La guida turistica è una professione vera e propria, che come tale, è disciplinata dalla legge n.135 del 29 marzo 2001, e per l’esercizio della quale c’è bisogno di essere in possesso di una licenza rilasciata dopo un esame di abilitazione alla professione.

Cosa c’è da sapere per fare la guida turistica?

Per superare l’esame di abilitazione, è necessario conoscere almeno una lingua europea (straniera), anche se, più lingue si sanno, meglio è. Data la crescente presenza di turisti russi, cinesi, giapponesi ed arabi, queste lingue sono anche le più richieste attualmente. Sono richieste inoltre delle conoscenze specifiche ed approfondite in campo culturale, storico-artistico, e naturalistico riguardanti l’ambito territoriale d’interesse.
Per completare una formazione a 360 gradi per quanto riguarda la professione di guida turistica, sarebbe opportuno avere delle conoscenze specifiche enogastronomiche, soprattutto correlate alle zone dove operiamo (Bologna, Firenze, e lago di Garda) dove i tour enogastronomici sono sempre più richiesti.

Offerta di Lavoro rivolta a Guide Turistiche e Accompagnatori Qualificati.

Emilia Delizia ricerca guide turistice nelle seguenti città Bologna, Firenze, Venezia, Verona, Milano e Torino, Napoli e Roma nelle seguenti località: Cinque Terre, Langhe, Lago di Garda, Lago di Como, Lago Maggiore, se sei già una quida qualificata puoi mandarci i toui dettagli usando il formulario qui sotto.



Panorama turistico italiano

Sebbene il settore turistico italiano difficilmente segue tendenze internazionali per quanto riguarda il turismo, sicuramente è uno dei settori più colpiti dalla crisi economica. A maggio del 2014, gli stranieri in Italia hanno speso meno, mentre gli italiani all’estero hanno speso di più, secondo quanto riferito di recente da Bankitalia. Potrebbe sembrare strano ma com’è ormai risaputo, gli italiani preferiscono sempre di più recarsi all’estero, dato i che si possono trovare prezzi molto più vantaggiosi rispetto al turismo interno.

Ad agosto del 2014 Federalberghi ha presentato un rapporto in cui si evince che a risentire di più del calo del turismo interno sono le località orientate prevalentemente al turismo delle famiglie italiane, costrette dalla crisi a ridurre o cancellare le vacanze. Il dato positivo invece è rappresentato dall’arrivo di turisti stranieri in Italia, che segna un +2,5%.
Questi dati sono quelli sui quali chi vive di turismo e guide turistiche basano le loro strategie. È perciò necessario e conveniente concentrarsi prevalentemente sull’opportuna accoglienza di turisti stranieri, che ammirano il nostro patrimonio culturale ed enogastronomico. In questo senso va sottolineata l’importanza di avere delle guide turistiche competenti e preparate, mosse dalla passione e dall’amore per la propria terra. Persone che siano all’altezza del loro compito, e cioè, guidare i turisti alla scoperta delle nostre bellezze, della nostra storia, delle nostre tradizioni e della nostra cucina regionale, così varia e apprezzata in tutto il mondo. Si sta diffondendo sempre più, infatti, un vero e proprio turismo enogastronomico che unisce al piacere della vista anche quello del gusto. Città come Bologna, Firenze, Venezia e Roma sono le mete preferite dagli stranieri che restano incantati da ciò che vedono ma anche da ciò che mangiano. Se si vuole diventare guide turistiche bisogna essere in possesso dell’abilitazione e del patentino rilasciato dalle regioni, conoscere i monumenti, i musei, i siti archeologici, le aree protette (nel nostro caso, di città come Venezia, Firenze, Bologna, Roma e Napoli) e saper parlare almeno una lingua straniera.


Visit and Tour the Ferruccio Lamborghini Museum in Bologna

The Ferruccio Lamborghini Museum is one of the most popular museums for cars in the world. Here’s some information about it.

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General Overview
The center was designed by Feruruccio’s son, who was named Tonino Lamborghini, in honor of his father who started the car company. Originally, the site was located across from the Lamborghini Calor factory. The facility was built in something of an Avant guarde structure which was quite tall. The building was also originally a conference center.

Visitors to the site can see many of the cars designed by the Lamborghini came. This includes the Miura, for example. This also include some of the first cars that Ferruccio designed going all the way back to 1948.

There’s also a lot in terms of photographs in this museum as well. There are thousands of pictures actually, so you can see how the cars chanted throughout the ages. The museum is also full of newspaper reports and other documents that help visitors understand how the company first started developing.
The museum also gives plenty of biographic information about Ferruccio, who was born in in Renazzo di Cento. There are even a lot of unique things available at the site such as a helicopter that Lamborginini was thinking about making. They actually hang this prototype from the ceiling so you can get a good look at it.

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Relocation and New museum.

The site has moved recently to Via Galliera N. 317 40050 Funo Di Argelato Bologna. It’s important to note this relocation if you plan on going, since many older references and articles online may tip you in the wrong direction.

The new location has even more to look at relating to Lamborghini such as a number of tractors made by the company throughout the years. There are even some Lamborghini boats that you can look at up close too if that’s something that you would want to do.
The museum is full of prototypes that show you the different directions that the company has thought about going in the past, and the different ways the company has approached design. The new museum is in the heart of Motor Valley and its full of multimedia that people can peruse in relation to the company.

The size of the new building makes it much easier to show everything all together, and it also makes it easier for people to see the different larger vehicles like the boat and helicopter more up close.

Overall, visiting the museum is going to be an intensely positive experience for anyone who loves Lamborghini cars and history in general since the history of Lamborghini has a lot in common with the history of Italy and really, the history of cars, industry and the world in general.

It helps to set aside plenty of time to look around this cavernous museum because there is so much to see here and it will appeal to people interested in just about every type of practical vehicle that you can think of in general.

It’s been noted that the museum is a great way for an entire family to experience a vacation since they can visit the museum together and then have a lot to talk about as a family later on.

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