Nome dell'autore: Emilia Delizia

Travel In Italy advice

Covid Fase 2: What Can You Do In Italy After 4th May 2020

The novel Coronavirus outbreak has affected all countries of the world, some more than others, with the result of a general slowdown in the global economy. One of the countries most hit by the outbreak, Italy, after almost 3 months of harsh quarantine, is slowly opening up. Italy has a strong touristic industry which during

Covid Fase 2: What Can You Do In Italy After 4th May 2020 Leggi l'articolo »

Parma ham Parmesan cheese Parmigiano Reggiano

3 Italian Products That You Should Buy Despite Coronavirus Lockdown.

Parmigiano-Reggiano The Italian Parmigiano-Reggiano is an Italian hard, granular cheese that is dubbed the King of Cheeses. The production process is time-intensive and takes between 12-36 months to fully age. As such, production must be done daily, all year. The recent hit of the Coronavirus pandemic on Italy has brought several of its top-grossing industries

3 Italian Products That You Should Buy Despite Coronavirus Lockdown. Leggi l'articolo »

Rome Venice

Italian museums you can see without coming to Italy

We are living extraordinary times. With increasingly more countries and cities issuing lockdowns due to a situation that is becoming extremely serious, most of us find themselves confined at home, with limited possibilities to go out. Needless to say that non-essential travels are in most countries banned and punished. In such conditions, it might be

Italian museums you can see without coming to Italy Leggi l'articolo »

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