A wedge of Parmesan cheese in Parma
A wedge of Parmesan cheese in Parma Read Post »
This article wants to tackle the dilemma of the 2 Ferrari Museums that are now available now in Modena and Maranello, and visitors seems to be confused about which is the best. Maranello Ferrari Museum. This is located about 30 minutes from Modena and it easily reached by car and attempting to go by public transport is going
The 2 Ferrari museums – Casa natale Enzo Ferrari Vs Maranello Ferrari Museum Read Post »
There is more in Modena than traditional balsamic vinegar, Emilia Delizia explores some hidden gems in the city of Aceto balsamico tradizionale and beyond. Balsamic vinegar tour and tasting in Modena First of all you should definitely come to Modena for 2 main reasons: balsamic vinegar (the PDO traditional one) and Ferrari sport cars.
The food idiot guide to Modena: balsamic vinegar, pasta, and secret trattorias Read Post »
Curing ham in a culinary art and it should not be taken lightly. To become a master Parma ham salter might take many years. Fabrizio of La Perla Parma ham factory in Langhirano says it might take up to 10 years to really master the ability to put the right amount of salt in the
The secret confessions of a Parma ham maker – How to make prosciutto. Read Post »
Gnocco fritto as we call it in Modena has different names depending from where you are eating it. In Bologna they call it crescentina fritta, in Parma torta fritta. What is gnocco fritto exactly? It belongs to an ancient culinary tradition of Emilia where nothing had to go to waste, and one of the most
What is Gnocco Fritto? Read Post »
5 foods you should eat when visiting Bologna. This province has one of the greatest culinary tradition in Italy because its area encompasses the Appennini mountains and the Pianura Padana. The array of basic ingredients is enormous giving birth to sophisticated and traditional cuisine. Crescentine or Tigelle. Crescentine are simple small breads traditional baked sandwiched
Foods that you must eat in Bologna Read Post »