Rome Testaccio Market: Where to Eat Traditional Cuisine.

Testaccio: Off the Beaten Track in Rome.

If you are a foodie you cannot miss the Testaccio food market and try at least once the Panino con la trippa (tripe sandwich). The Testaccio  in Rome is a residential area where most  tourists would not adventure but if you want to explore the real local food it is the place to go. Testaccio is a short bus ride from  the Colosseum  and central Rome. It has  lots of local produce including fresh vegetables, fresh and cured  meats, and also it has a good variety of street food served from the market stalls daily except on Mondays. The tripe sandwich is particularly indicated if you want to try something really Roman beside the usual pasta and pizza. We recommend to  try  Mordi e Vai for the panino con la trippa. Also around there other stalls offering delicious fried artichokes, and sandwiches  with the bollito (boiled meats).

Panino con la Trippa
While in Rome Eat Panino Con la Trippa
Roa graffiti in Testaccio Rome
Roa graffiti in Testaccio Rome


Traditional Osteria in Rome – Lo Scopettaro Lungotevere.

Lo Scopettaro (literally the broom seller  in the roman dialect) is a traditional osteria in Roma Lungotevere off the tourist track worth trying because of the care taken to prepare the dishes on offer. We particularly appreciated the pasta courses. Of course we could not miss to try  rigatoni alla carbonara, and  tonnarelli  cacio e pepe which are freshly made spaghetti (alla chitarra) and a very simple sauce made with pecorino romano (cacio) and black pepper that it is skillfully blended with the pasta cooking water in order to obtain this creamy and tasty sauce.

Carbonara Pasta
Rigatoni alla Carbonara – Lo Scopettaro – Rome
Cacio e Pepe
Tonnarelli Cacio e Pepe – Lo Scopettaro – Rome

You should pay at least a visit to  Eataly in Rome.

Eataly in Rome is 3rd food mall opened by the company of Mr Farinetti. After the success of Turin and New York, now it is time for Rome. Again a little off the beaten track, you will find Eataly Rome at the Piramide metro stop, not far from the city center. Farinnetti the food entrepreneur this time used a disused railway building to open this mega food mall that has on sale many Italian food items from every possible corner of the country. Foodies will also find restaurants and street food outlets serving anything from fish carpaccio, to piadina to pizza fritta (see picture below).  

Eataly Rome
Pizza Fritta – Eataly Rome


Review of Amerigo. Savigno (Near) Bologna: Where The Good Meals Are.

Amerigo shop front a sign of the good old days with a modern touch.

Amerigo is not exactly in central Bologna, it  will take at least a good 40 minutes by car from the city center to reach Savigno where Amerigo is. This Michelin starred traditional osteria has been pleasing the Bolognese since 1934 when the original owner opened to the public, and then handed down to family members since then. The atmosphere is representing the time gone by but the food is very modern and also reasonably priced considering the quality of the ingredients and the attention to the preparation. Most diners will go there to try the truffle dishes (this is what Amerigo is famous for) but the traditional menu with tortellini is also worth to explore.

Some of the dishes from Amerigo, including tortellini, truffled polenta, and traditional balsamic vinegar fiordilatte icecream.

The dishes that we tried from top left corner:

Polentina con tartufo bianco: a runny polenta topped with the seasonal and local white truffles. If you go all the way to Savigno you should include some truffle dishes to your  lunch or dinner. Emilia Delizia also offer truffle hunts in Savigno.

Calzagatti con Lardo: Calzagatti (the cat’s socks) it is a traditional dish from the Modena and Bologna mountains. It is basically polenta with beans that can be eaten grilled or fried. In this case each individual piece was wrapped in lardo di colonnata.

Gnocchi al Tartufo Nero: An Italian classic, potato gnocchi with seasonal Savigno black truffle.

Tortellini in Brodo: Another classic of the Bologna and Modena culinary tradition. In this case the tortellini were truly tiny, and served in a meat stock (brodo di carne).

Risotto con gli Ovuli: it is mushroom season in October so here another classic Italian risotto with Caesar mushrooms (amanita caesarea).

Leprotto:  It is a younger hare. In this case it  was served  on a bed of pickled crunchy vegetables. Game is also a classic dish when you visit the Italian mountains.

Guancia di Vitella: The Veal’s cheek is often discarded and considered of low value, but in fact it is a very tasty part of the animal that too often goes neglected. At Amerigo it was served stewed with its own gravy and fried onions.

Gelato Fior di Latte: Made with fulll fat milk and cream and then topped with traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena. It is simple but the best  way to end a nice meal.

Save Parmesan Cheese From EU Bureaucrats

Slow Food, an international movement that strives to preserve traditional and regional cuisine, has started a petition on to stop the usage of powdered milk in the production of cheese and dairy products. The petition will back up the Italian law established in 1974 that bans the usage of powdered milk for yogurt, caciotta, robiola, mozzarella cheese and other dairy products. It’s a law that contributes to protect Italy’s heritage in the field of cheese production and dairy traditions.


This law has been discusses starting from the decision of the European Commission, pressured by the Italian dairy industry itself, that has asked Italy to change 1974’s law by the end of July to guarantee free trade of goods. This action is an attempt, and not the first in its kind, to lower standards in the name of free market, at the expense of consumers and quality producers. The result of this change would increase quantity over quality, standardizing a product that is typical, unique and protected by definition. The production of regional cheeses is based upon the quality and origins of the milk used, enabling producers to use powdered milk would, for all intents and purposes, endanger DOP and IGP (protected geographical identity) products. Most of the consumers purchase products based on their price, and the usage of powdered milk would make the cost of production, and of sale, lower, along with its quality standards, thus making it less likely for consumers to rely on traditional and high quality dairy products.

Powdered milk poses no threats for the health of its consumers, but using it in the production of cheeses would only bring increased profits for the multinationals already involved in the dairy industry and a standardization of the product. The usage of powdered milk would also lead to a penalization of a high-quality product that should reflect the biodiversity of Italy and, along with it, it would also penalize local and family-owned businesses.

In this discussion, Slow Food claims that using powdered milk is the last attempt to lower and level the production of dairy products in favor of big companies that care more about profit than they do about biodiversity and quality. The petition was started by Slow Food in order to “mobilize the public opinion, and bring together consumers, shepherds, farmers, artisans and chefs to counter the latest attack made by European bureaucracy against quality production of made in Italy dairy products”.
The petition backs the Italian minister Martina, who fights to defend the Italian law on the subject and with it hundreds of small producers and the heritage of milks, techniques, traditions, professions and communities that make up the Italian dairy tradition.

The Italian dairy production is a vital aspect of Italian cuisine, and features as one of its most prominent and recognizable products Parmesan cheese, one of many cheeses that prides itself in its traditional and protected geographical origin of production.


Parmesan Might Have Similar Effects Of Impotence medications, Scientist found.

Parmesan cheese in popular culture:

Not just cheese, more than a staple for those in Emilia-Romagna and the entire word, Parmesan Cheese is a myth, a tradition and at the core of Italian cuisine. The elderly of Modena, one of the areas where the production of Parmesan is safeguarded and brought forward, have always considered Parmigiano Reggiano a cheese with energetic and energizing properties, but there’s more. They also believe this cheese to have aphrodisiac properties and to be able to make those who eat it “horny”. The younger generations might not know of this bit of trivia from their parents or grandparents, but Parmigiano cheese is said to enhance a person’s sexual desire. This was considered a legend until recently, as it hadn’t been proved by scientific research, but folk tales do prove to be true sometimes, as is the case for Parmesan.

You might not need the blue bill after all – source

Parmesan cheese and science:

Local professor Mario Baraldi ( has a 50 years’ long experience in pharmacology and started researching Parmigiano Reggiano’s purported aphrodisiac properties with a scientific study based on the fact that about 15/20% of the male population has erectile dysfunction. His study was conducted on sexually sluggish male rats and then published on the Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Science because the professor discovered that feeding Parmesan cheese to the rats over a period of time improved their sexual performance. In fact, Parmesan is constituted for the 30% of free amino acids that are  precursors and building blocks for nervous system stimulants such as dopamine.

Parmesan cheese and its synergic effect with traditional Balsamic vinegar:

Often the two products are consumed together. It’s really an experience to try, and purely from a gastronomic standpoint it’s something you’ll have to taste for yourself to completely appreciate the characteristics and strengths of both foods. The salty, grainy consistence of the cheese, paired with the smooth, sweet but slightly sour taste of Balsamic vinegar (also traditionally produced in the area of Modena and nearby) meet in an extremely enjoyable way. Balsamic is advertised as being a good partner for a wide array of different foods and dishes, but pairing it with Parmigiano Reggiano is like a meeting that was meant to happen. Some people pour a few drops on top of the cheese – which must not be cut in a straight direction, but flaked roughly with a special knife – while other people prefer to pour a small pool of Balsamic vinegar on their plates and dip the Parmesan flake in it. The different qualities of Balsamic vinegar ease the choice, since the more expensive the product chosen, the less drops each of us will use, both for the quality and the quantity needed to appreciate the taste.

Professor Baraldi reckons that consuming both products together can prove beneficial: the Balsamic vinegar helps the stomach in receiving and absorbing the cheese because of its unique sweet and sour taste. This way, the synergy created is not only a pleasant eating experience for your palate, but also for your body and sexual life.

Review Emilia Delizia and Win

Thank you for being part of our family and try one of tour, we really appreciate your custom. We hope you enjoyed us as much as we enjoyed to be with you. Now we would like to offer you the possibility to WIN an EXCLUSIVE bottle of CARLOTTA SPECIAL RESERVE traditional balsamic vinegar worth more than $250. 

We suggest to write on TripAdvisor but it does not have to be. You can write it on your blog (please give us a link), on Facebook, Twitter. Just let us know where you have posted it to and we will enter you in the competition.


carlotta balsamic vinegar
Win this 25 years old traditional balsamic vinegar.

All you have do to is to write a honest review about the experience you had with Emilia Delizia and you will automatically enter a draw and you will have a chance to win the balsamic vinegar that will be shipped to you directly at home.


Why Carlotta traditional Balsamic vinegar is so Special?

Not all balsamic vinegars are created equal. Carlotta special reserve is a 25 years old traditional balsamic vinegar made at Acetaia Di Giorgio in Modena. It is tradition to start a new batch of vinegar when a baby girl is born, so it did Giorgio when Carlotta was born. In the past the batch would become the girl dowry and she bring it to the new family. Carlotta Special reserve is aged in barrels of different woods such as cherry, mulberry, ash, juniper and the produce won several prizes with the Carlotta balsamic vinegar. It is a truly unique product that will not fail to impress your guest at your next dinner party. 




How to Eat Like a Local in Rimini

Eating like a local in Rimini, specifically, enjoying seafood and fish in this area, is easier done than said, since the whole Riviera, from Bellaria to Cattolia, during the winter and summer alike, is full of restaurants in the hundreds providing delicious dishes. From the more simple seafood based dishes like Spaghetti allo scoglio (“reef spaghetti” with clams, mussels, shrimps and other shellfish) or clam chowder to the more complex and refined dishes requiring ingredients and a preparation process far more sophisticated and intriguing, we’ve selected 5 restaurants + 1 where you can eat like a local the delicious fish of the Adriatic Sea in Rimini and nearby.

anche nella piadina ci può essere arte
Piadina is served pretty much everywhere in rimini – source

Dallo Zio – Rimini

This restaurant, has been for decades a staple of the city’s cuisine. It recently has had a change in management but the quality and freshness of the ingredients and the philosophy behind their cuisine have not. It’s a must for the fresh fish and simple recipes following the tradition of Rimini.


Il pescato del Canevone – Rimini

Located in a medieval building, and in its cloistered garden during the summer months, the Canevone is an excellent seafood restaurant, and probably the best of its kind for such an accessible and convenient price list. Only the freshest of fishes in here, prepared according to traditional and more innovative recipes alike, but without getting too heavy or complicated to the palate.

Cavalluccio Marino – Riccione

Right on the canal harbor of Riccione, the Cavalluccio Marino takes pride in its interesting recipes, prepared with fresh fishes and seafood. Cold appetizers like salmon carpaccio, Catalan specialties but also less complex dishes like fried calamari are a must here.

Liuzzi – Cattolica

This is Raffaele Liuzzi’s restaurant. He’s a brilliant and extravagant half actor, half chef who renews the dishes served in his establishment at each visit you’ll make here. Innovative and experimental dishes that require the customers’ collaboration in a real show for Liuzzi’s unforgettable experience of local tastes.

Al Moccolo – Rivazzurra

A textbook fish and seafood restaurant of the Riviera. Spacious rooms with long, crowded tables, a crustacean’s aquarium, the pizza oven ready and waiters rushing around. Typical restaurant offering excellent fresh fish according to dozens of different recipes for appetizers, first and second courses.

If you’re looking for something inexpensive and on the go, but great in tastes and quality as well, we recommend:

C’è quel che c’è – Rimini

This typical trattoria provides also take-away service and it’s open for lunch, to taste the local dishes even if you’re short on time. The “C’è quel che c’è” restaurant is a warm, welcoming establishment, simple but enjoyable, convenient for those who are stopping in Rimini just for a short while. Menu varies according to the day’s catch, to ensure quality and freshness.

Get Your Designer Brands For Cheap While In Bologna

Do you want to freshen up your wardrobe without spending too much and without having to wait for seasonal sales? There’s a solution, and it’s called outlet. Real neighborhoods made for shopping, or big malls with all kinds of fashion stores with items on sale and prices lower than you’d find in retail stores. If you don’t mind that the items on display are from past collections or are what was left in the brand’s warehouse at the end of the current season, outlets are the place for you.

To follow are 5 outlets you will find in Bologna and nearby… prepare your wallets and have a good shopping!

Maybe it's Art - Louis Vuitton Shopfront, Milano
Get your brands while you are in Bologna for less – source


1. Burnin’ Lab Outlet

Inside an historical building in Bologna, this fashion outlet is small but full of surprises and hosts clothing and accessories for both men and women. Brands in store are Roberto Cavalli, Versace, Dolce e Gabbana as well as less high-end merch like Guru, Guess, and Meltin Pot brands‘ items. Open Monday to Saturday from 10 AM to 1 PM and from 3:30 PM to 7:30 PM, closed on Thursdays.

Burnin’ Lab Outlet, Via del lazzo 4, Bologna
Telephone: 051220017

2. Castel Guelfo Outlet Village

Be careful not to get lost in this incredible fashion village, since there are 110 businesses inside, comprising of fashion outlets, cafes and restaurants. There’s a free shuttle bus connecting the center of Castel San Pietro to the square just in front of the outlet. Brands in store are Adidas, Bottega Verde, Caleffi, Calzedonia, Camicissima, Nike and more.
Open Monday to Saturday from 10 AM to 8 PM except for Monday mornings, and the closing time extends until 8:30 PM on Fridays and Saturdays.

Castel Guelfo Outlet Village, Via del Commercio 20A, Poggio Piccolo, Bologna.
Telephone: 0542670765

3. Coin Outlet e Factory Store

Outlets collecting all the unsold merchandise from the over 1000 stores open in all of Italy. Brands in store include Boss, Desigual, Esprit, Fornarina, Guess and Valentino. Open Monday to Saturday from 9 AM to 9 PM except for Monday mornings. Open on Sundays from 10 AM to 8 PM.

Castel Guelfo Outlet Village c/o Parco Commerciale Meraville, Viale Tito Carnacini 21
Telephone: 0516333610

Outlet stores near Bologna:

4. Fashion Outlet

Multistore with an area of over 2000 square meters, founded in 2003, this outlet sells clothing for men and women alike from brands such as Armani Jeans, Dimensione Danza, D&G. It’s also possible to purchase directly from their e-store through the outlet’s website.

Fashion Outlet, Via Emilia 73, 40011 Anzola dell’Emilia

5. Fashion Street

This outlet offers mostly items from the current collections with prices on sale at -30% to -70%. Brands in store include most notably Gucci, Jucca and Twin Set. Even more convenient prices can be found on the outlet’s e-shop. Open Monday to Saturday from 10 AM to 8 PM except Monday mornings.

Fashion Street, Via Ronco Maruni 28, San Lazzaro di Savena
Telephone: 051450210

And finally if you are heading to Florence check this article for shopping tours in Tuscany. We also have tips about shopping in Rimini.

What are you waiting for? In these fashion outlets you’ll find sale prices all year round!

We sourced the information from this article in Italian.

How To Go Shopping for Italian Brands In Rimini

The Riviera of Romagna in the region of Emilia-Romagna overlooking the Adriatic Sea is not just clubs, pubs, waves and summer. Here you can drink a mojito on the beach, sunbathe, swim and there’s good news for those who prefer indoors activities: Rimini also means shopping! We’ll cover mainly fashion outlets. There are many outlets in the area surrounding Rimini and the neighboring towns and this post will not cover them all, but have fun exploring them, the internet is your friend if you want to visit an outlet in the Specific.

Rimini is a popular holiday resort in the north of of Italy and it can be easily reached from Bologna and Venice. If you like shopping for brands in Italy continue reading this. We also organise chauffeured tours in the area if you need this service please contact us.

11 Via Montenapoleone, Milano
Shopping for Brands in Italy – source

Shopping outlets at easy reach from Rimini (and Bologna).

Diffusione Tessile, located at the exit of Cattolica’s highway, in Via al Mare. You’ll see a bright yellow sign with a black clothes hanger superimposed. That’s the outlet you’re looking for! This store is not just in Cattolica but also all over Italy, and here you’ll find the fashion lines from Max & Co. from previous years and much more. Dresses on sale, t-shirts from € 15, shoes starting from € 60, swimsuits, lingerie, skirts, pants, scarves, hats, accessories, sunglasses and a lot of sundresses starting from € 35, all of them colorful, cheerful and a real bargain! It’s worth visiting to renew your wardrobe for a seasonal change: the prices are reasonable and the quality is top-notch.
Still not satisfied? Of course not, there’s much more to see, so let’s go to Moschino’s Outlet.
This is the place for you, especially if you’re looking to buy some shoes. T-shirts and shirts don’t necessarily have low prices but here shoes do. This place is a must and you’ll go crazy trying on every shoe from Moschino’s collections. But where is the Outlet Moschino?
The Outlet Moschino is with Pollini’s (just as amazing and worth a visit) in Via Erbosa 1, in Gatteo. The building is quite anonymous from the outside, but there’s a tower nearby that will help you locate the store, which is just beside it. To be sure you’re in the right place or if you need info about the route to get there, you can contact them at the telephone number +39 0541 818106.
Last but not least, if you really want to put a dent to your bank account, visit Sergio Rossi. You’ll find everything here: flats, sandals, open toes, high heels, very high heels, wedges, stilettos, ankle boots, boots and trust me, everything concerning the world of shoes is inside this store. You’ll leave your heart here, as well as a chunk of your wallet.
Prices are not exactly low, but they’re lower than you would find in stores: the outlet price for the shoes is half as much as the retail one. Sergio Rossi’s Outlet is the hardest to find. It’s located in Via Emilia Ovest, 86/90 in Savignano sul Rubicone, but there are no big signs and ads to show the way, just a doorway. Enter and a world will materialize before your eyes!
Have fun shopping, and I will not be held responsible for your bank statement at the end of the month!

We took and translated info from this source

Pavarotti Museum Finally Opens in Modena

Pavarotti singing in Modena
Pavarotti singing in Italy – source

On the occasion of Expo 2015 in Milan, even Modena, together with Luciano Pavarotti Foundation, decides to exceptionally open to the public the doors of Casa Pavarotti that have been transformed into a House-Museum thanks to a path that will permit his fans to better know Luciano Pavarotti both as famous tenor and man.
The visit of the House-Museum in Stradello Nava is part of the Discover Ferrari & Pavarotti Land tour, organised by Modena to show to the tourists the beauties of the city.

In the past, the Foundation opened the House just for special occasions so it is the first time that everyone is allowed to enter the House transformed into a Museum. This decision has been taken to never forget the name of Luciano Pavarotti, and it is even the main reason that encouraged Nicoletta Mantovani (Pavarotti’s wife) to start the Foundation in 2007, after the tenor’s death.

The Museum remains intentionally more in the dimension of a House because the Foundation wants to show how the tenor lived, in other words they want the public to know Luciano, rather than Pavarotti.
For example, an aspect that surely will help us to know him as a simple man is the area of the House that he decided to consecrate to his horses: here he opened a real horseback riding school and for 11 years, he has hosted a prestigious hurdle jumping competition.
Another peculiarity is that it was Pavarotti who designed the House, and the architects followed meticulously his plans while realizing the construction. So the House reflects the personality of the tenor in each detail; it treasures all his photos and memories with the most important people of his life, his friends, his family, his daughter.
What’s more, visiting the House-Museum you will have the chance to admire the clothes he wore during his most beautiful performances, the videos of the several Pavarotti & friends that took place in Modena as well the innumerable awards he gained during his 40-year-career in many theaters all over the world.

The Museum will be open to the public 7 days a week; the public will have the chance to carry out a guided tour based on a service of audio-guides in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian, that will guide the visitors throughout the House.
Some rooms are the same as when Pavarotti was alive, as his bedroom and the kitchen, while some others have been set up with a sort of path that retrace his career, with his works, pictures with famous people and friends, awards and so on.

Transforming the House into Museum has not be so easy, on the contrary it has been a very demanding project for the Foundation, but the target to let everyone know how the so well-known tenor lived his everyday life, has been reached. 

If you are visiting Modena you should also consider to visit Enzo Ferrari museum.